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Everything posted by gnarly-dude

  1. Quote: Niseko has very noisy snow plows which often woke me up Is that why you tried to steal one? (Was it you?)
  2. I do this for fun, that's it. I'm not fussed about having perfect technique or things like that. I found that I progressed quite quickly through my love of the fun of it and not trying too hard to pin down certain techniques. I have a friend who went for tons of lessons and went for badge tests and all - and ended up not enjoying the experience. Whats the point of that? I'm not saying lessons are a bad thing, they're probably a really good thing, just going too far with it all ain't good.
  3. I haven't seen any change here, 7-11 still looked the same this morning.
  4. This is the dude who goes on about getting his balls cut off, right? Was a close one that. My ex used to figure skate so I'm kinda used to watching it. Glad Miki got in there.
  5. Never thought that was the case me jane- I just thought all "romance lifts" were painfully slow.
  6. Yuzawa is nearer - 80 mins on the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Echigo Yuzawa. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/yuzawa-now.php http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/about-yuzawa.html Good for day trips even.
  7. http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/science/10/01/ignobels.ap/index.html Well deserved. I saw the karaoke award being given to the Japanese "Father of Karaoke" on the tv last night. Anyone else? Did you just HEAR the noise that followed? Godawful "singing" by some broad...
  8. Its on this site http://www.ebaumsworld.com/ along with a whole lot more funny stuff.
  9. I'm fairly close to some small places, but need a car to get to bigger more fun places.
  10. I put this together for you Democratic candidate John Kerry was more presidential in his demeanour than incumbent George W Bush during their first debate on Thursday, a US body language expert says. Patti Wood, an Atlanta-based consultant, told BBC News Online that Mr Kerry appeared more respectful and in control. Mr Bush sounded arrogant and unable to control his emotions, especially in the latter part of the debate, she contends. However, Ms Wood says, Mr Bush at times radiated warmth in a way that Mr Kerry could not emulate. Bush's 'arrogance' The presid
  11. Boycott France bumper stickers for sale on his site.... http://www.billoreilly.com/site/product?pid=18704#
  12. ..and a bit expensive, especially considering its a bit small.
  13. Virus yes. And I actually PAID to see that at the theater (first choice full, not much else to do, you know the deal)
  14. Harry likes it. A lot. http://www.aintitcoolnews.com/display.cgi?id=17873
  15. I was there in 90 as well. Mud City. Great times to be had.
  16. Thats simply gross. They must have had lots of wain to even think of that.
  17. Just watching Fox at the mo (dont ask!), and our fave Mr Oreilly is talking about the scandalous celebrities who are organising an anti-bush campaign by all coming out to the 9-11 movie. He's getting quite angry. They're even putting all their faces on the screen like a "Most Wanted" list. "Why would anyone want to watch this movie. I just can't understand why"....is what Or is saying now. Dick.
  18. "Long Haired Lover From Liverpool" by Little Jimmy Osmond Thats not you scouser is it?
  19. I have one of them back home, great thing. Alas, the train is the way to get there now in Japan.
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