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About dale#1

  • Rank
    SJ'er with 500+ posts

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  1. Hawaiian Maui sweet onion crisps. Massive packet, awesome taste,
  2. Hawaiian Maui sweet onion crisps. Massive packet, awesome taste,
  3. When you're younger it's good to have savings, JA. You might not remember that!
  4. Did you work out about how many people who won came back and gave their promised feedback?
  5. If only we knew how long we had so we could plan accordingly.
  6. Flying out tomorrow. I also feel pretty bad after drinking on a flight. But I also find it impossible to sleep. Last summer I drank 6 cans of beer in an effort to knock myself out. I was drowsy, but got a headache, didn't sleep, needed the toilet a lot and looked and felt a wreck at the other end!
  7. Top run at Hakkaisan-san. Didn't expect so many moguls for so long for so steep!
  8. I'm curious! What's so bad about it?
  9. Cold udon noodles. Not keen on the soup when it's too strong/fishy.
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