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About wendy-cake

  • Rank
    SJ'er with 300+ posts

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  1. Interesting thanks. Just spent half an hour playing around with it, can find some really great info from it all. It's addictive. Didn't know that was how ALTS Bandai got it's name..... (go check it out) Obviously a really huge amount of effort gone into this, it's very clean and polished. Bravo! Cheers for the tools. Now........ snow please!
  2. I had to download that Silver-thingy but it only took a minute or so and then I just had to refresh for it to appear. What a wonderful idea way to learn about Japanese resorts. I particularly like the expressway info things, that is really useful. (How) do the resort reviews and ranking things get updated?
  3. Originally Posted By: wendy-cake No plans. They will arrive the week or so before I get out there. hoping to visit these places this year Hakuba Sugadaira Minakami Yuzawa Myoko Oh dear. Breaking my ankle scrapped that lot. Onto 11/12!
  4. yes last few nights not as bad but I usually have it on to go off around 2 am as well. really hot nights I will have it on all night on a low setting.
  5. No plans. They will arrive the week or so before I get out there. hoping to visit these places this year Hakuba Sugadaira Minakami Yuzawa Myoko
  6. I tried jogging for a while but quickly realised it wasn't for me. For a start I didn't like the people oggling me! I'd much rather go down the gym. Or better still be sliding down the snow.
  7. I'm finishing work at 12 today, and going to wander about and find a fine place to have a good lunch. Can't wait!
  8. I never went away! And I make a better burger than those people anyway!
  9. Where in Saitama, pete? It's a fairly big prefecture, unless you mean the city.
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