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...no...there are plenty of fat and lazy people that don't stub their cig's out on their babies Thursday.


...and there are plenty of fat people who are not lazy.


...and there are plenty of lazy people that are not fat.


...and there are plenty of child abusers who are neither fat nor lazy.


The reporting is continuing to stereotype people. I repeat: Poor reporting.

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Wow that is big.   Who gets to eat it?

eet's mine juu mether fackers....!!!

OH NOOO!!!! We all need to get our Muslamic ray guns!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIPD8qHhtVU

Originally Posted By: thursday
surely the story is trying to show that she was so fat and therefore lazy, that she couldn't be arsed to go get the ashtray, so she stubbed out her fags on her kid.

lol quality mate!!
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She should have psyched the ashtray and maybe it would have moved towards her.

The kid learnt a valuable lesson.. and hope he won't turn into a serial killer.

deadly mummy smoking- run!

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Are you gonna have a cruise on a Yacht?

All the small islands around were beautiful when I went there, especially South Mole Is. But I know I am outdated. Have fun !


For me, the wind is down so I'm going to the glaciers tomorrow. 5 hrs trip, taking the slow train, waiting for an hour, and bus. Snowboarding will be on Monday.


thumbsup biggrin

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Enjoy the boarding Jynxx!


No - not going on a yacht.

Celebrating Papa's 40th birthday with a little trip just the two of us. Thank goodness for parents willing and able to look after our kids.


Just 3 nights there - staying at qualia resort - and then a couple of days in Sydney - going to a friends 40th party (big surprise. she doesnt know we are coming from Perth), and then back to the real world.


Should be great fun.

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Quota's needed to boost women on boards: Jackson


oh bugger - they are talking about business 'boards' - I thought we might be having some kind of beyond the grave MJ intervention encouraging girly snowboarders...


...just a little bit snow excited at the moment.

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Dallas is about to make a comeback, with Larry Hagman returning to his role as JR Ewing.
The hugely successful soap gripped millions of viewers all over the world in the 1980s as it followed the fortunes and feuds of a Texas oil family.
Warner Bros executives are in talks to make an updated version and Linda Gray, 69, who played Sue Ellen, and Patrick Duffy, 60, who played JR's brother Bobby, are also in talks about reprising their roles.

Could there be any better news on a Saturday afternoon?
I think not.
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Originally Posted By: Mamabear
Quota's needed to boost women on boards: Jackson

oh bugger - they are talking about business 'boards' - I thought we might be having some kind of beyond the grave MJ intervention encouraging girly snowboarders...

...just a little bit snow excited at the moment.

Norway introduced legislation some time back that all publicly listed and public owned companies had to have at least 40% female representation on their boards. Of course there was a lot of resistance at first but supposedly it's been very sucessful and the companies with the highest representation of women on their boards are on the whole outperforming those with less.
Can't see the Japanese embracing anything like that anytime soon. They have about the lowest representation of women on company boards out of any industrialised nation.
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Disney offers millions of parents Baby Einstein video refunds


Disney is offering millions of parents refunds on its best-selling Baby Einstein learning videos in an apparent admission that they do not boost infants' intelligence.


The entertainment giant made the expensive concession after being threatened with legal action over its claims that the videos provided educational benefits.


The refund currently only covers households in North America but British campaigners said they would be pushing for refunds for parents in the UK who have purchased millions of Baby Einstein products.


The Baby Einstein line of videos, flashcards, books and DVDs, which also include Baby Mozart, Baby Shakespeare and Baby Galileo spin-offs, is estimated to be worth more than £120 million a year in Britain and the US, where it represents 90 per cent of the baby media market.


The company's educational DVDs, which cost about £17, can be bought from most major retailers and toy shops.


But research has cast doubt on claims that such "educational" videos for young children really do educate. Some studies have suggested they could even have a negative effect.


A study by Washington University found that for every hour that infants of 8 to 16 months watch educational videos, they understood six to eight fewer words than other babies not exposed to such videos. The University specifically mentioned Baby Einstein when announcing the study.


In the face of growing complaints, the Walt Disney Compan dropped the word "educational" from its marketing in 2006.


But now the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC), based in Boston, which had threatened Disney with a class-action lawsuit, has claimed "victory" after the company offered American parents refunds for the products.


"We believe that this is an acknowledgement that baby videos are not educational," said Susan Linn, a psychologist and director of the campaign.


In response, the Baby Einstein Company called the campaign's statements "peppered with revisionist history" and said that its "consumer satisfaction" programme has been clearly identified on its websites since 1999 and on packaging since 2008. Lawyers on both sides refused to comment.


Aric Sigman, a psychologist and author of Remotely Controlled, a book about how television is ruining lives, welcomed Disney's offer: "This is a really important symbolic act by a multinational company," he said. "It shows what many of us have been saying for a long time, that the virtual life cannot beat real life when it comes to language acquisition in children. None of these videos or educational TV shows, including those on the BBC, can rival or supplant babies talking and listening to parents."


Pippa Smith, founder of Mediamarch, which campaigns to reduce the effects of media on children, said: "Anybody who has these videos in the UK should be given the equal treatment and be able to demand a refund too.


"Parents are given the idea that these DVDs are educational but there is evidence to show that screen-based activity is bad for the development of the brain."


However, Margaret Morrissey, the founder of Parents Outloud pressure group, said the Baby Einstein videos suited some children.


"I'm not sure how much most children learn from them but I do know they are not rubbish and I don't believe they do any harm," she said.


"Certainly one of my grandchildren seemed to learn a lot. She would repeat to me the words she had picked up from it."

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The Mail has an important scoop this morning


David Beckham averts his eyes from the scantily-clad cheerleaders at basketball game


Since moving to Hollywood two years ago, David Beckham has become a regular courtside at Los Angeles Lakers games.

After the England footballer was caught on camera ogling cheerleaders from the front row, his wife Victoria could have been forgiven for wondering if his interest in basketball was genuine.

But as he took his place in his $2,200 seat in the Staples Center last night, Becks made sure he kept his focus on the game and away from the perky cheerleaders.

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Well thank god for that!


I think the media needs to shut up about who perves at who.

Now if Beck's had gone and swooped up the entire cheerleading team and had his merry way with them - just coz he is Beck's, and he can... and poor little emaciated Vicky is sitting at home with the kiddies trusting that her man is loyal ... - then that story is tabloid worthy.


Taking a shufty - or even a great long drooling perve -->....leave the man alone!

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