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I just read an article on BBC that reminded me of something happened here just a couple of weeks ago



This bloke near where we live hung himself after giving up on his lifes difficulties. Leaving behind 3 children a wife and parents.


There's been a couple other suicides in this neighbourhood in the last year, a worrying trend.

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It may be taboo to talk about this kind of thing. But it also happened in my neighborhood three years ago.

I was born and brought up in the same town. So I have many friends and know most of people there. When I heard about it from my mom the day I got back from Hokkaido ski trip, I was so shocked and upset. We were brought up in the same town and went to same highschool. I couldn't understand why it happened. I and my mom knows his mother very well. And some other strange things happened in the town at that time.

So, I decided to leave my town. And after few months next happened neighbors two doors away from that house. Both of them had very good education but couldn't adjust society.


I read silly editorial the other day and she said we have Harakiri culture. I really hate people say like that. If she can imagine grief of the bereaved families, she can't write like that. We can't blame anybody but I want to blame this world and society.


I feel very sorry for those people who lost their family like that and hope this will not happen around us anymore.

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It sucks. Particularly for the people left to deal with the trauma, mess and guilty "How could I have prevented it thoughts" of it all. Never had it happen to anyone close to me but it's an all too common problem in NZ as well.


I used to work as a house cleaner/gardener for this woman who owned a huge old house in Christchurch. Anyway one day I turned up to do the cleaning and she came to the door all distraught and apologizing for the day not being a good day. Her son had gassed himself in his car the night before using the vacuum cleaner hose. I felt like a right prick having turned up to do the vacuuming.

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A couple of years ago a guy jumped over a 3rd floor balcony with a rope tied around his neck in our apartment block. One cold January night - and one of the few nights that month that I happened not to be working so I got to see the aftermath, didn't see his face but was shocked to find out that he was Canadian (from the back he looked like he had Japanese hair). Then, 6 months later, a friend told me that a male (Australian?) English teacher living in a private hotel (a friend of hers was the manager there) was found hanging in his room by the cleaners.


I don't know of any Japanese people apart from 3rd hand reports, though of course they would by far outnumber foreigners.

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Suicide sucks.

I think the people who do it are frikking selfish.

Sure they may be messed up, but it F%&k's up alot of people who are left behind.


My brothers ex last week tried to commit suicide. It was the first time that it has ever touched my life and it mad me feel angry as it was a clear attention seeking stunt that made innocent parties feel responsible for.

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Yeah, one of my best friends in high school, she tried to kill herself 3-4 times eek.gif \:\( On one of the times we had plans to chill out after school was over so I went over to her place and found her in the bathtub - wrist slit and the water was red...one of the most horrific and shocking experiences in my life.

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2 houses down from me, the father was found hanging in his room yesterday. He was 'restructured' a year ago, and 'couldn't cope'. He leaves behind a wife and 4 kids who much now stuggle on with all this shit he's left behind.

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Theres been one in our neighbourhood the day before yesterday as well eek.gif This guy was a shopkeeper, you know one of those local ones that no-one ever seems to be in. He's left the worrying to his family, it seems. \:\(

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  • 2 weeks later...
Rogers Head: this 2ch2 site is pretty popular with high school students as you can see with all the info and areas for them to write on - found some really nasty things said about teachers on there.

More than a bit shocking that. I can't read it all but showed a Japanese friend that they seemed pretty surprised at that sort of thing going on.
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  • 7 months later...

In high school my best friend got his girlfriend pregnant and after she gave birth she would't let him see the child. So he took a 12 guage and shot himself in the head. Senseless!


Isn't there a spooky forest in Shizuoka where people go to hang themselves and every spring the govt. goes in and takes out the bodies?

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