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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by concrete-bagel

  1. Funnily enough I know someone who actually had this site in their favorites. Being the helpful sort I am, I've given them a few more easy on the eye alternatives.
  2. That is just terrible. Did you wait till it all downloaded , theres just so much of the goddam thing!
  3. And how do these "Superbit" things fit in? http://www.skijapanguide.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php/topic/8/4153.html
  4. Just started reading this book last night and I'm finding it difficult to put down. Great read. Anyone else read it?
  5. Will you get to use them every day? I really like the word bottom.
  6. But in the comp, Peru won http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/12/04/missworld.ap/index.html
  7. On 200m of man made for 4000 yen? No way! I'll just be patient.
  8. sue - got the very same machine, it is excellent. Weekends are great.
  9. Well I don't think they're cool at all ---- glad things seem to be calming down.
  10. I still see tons of people using their keitai when driving. The cops could make a bundle of money if they wanted to be strict on this.
  11. I'm surprised there isn't a Japanese version of it yet.
  12. I can pick a better bunch walking round Osaka.
  13. Hey 97, how old are you then? Mine is ikanoshiokara sushi
  14. Hey I'm in Osaka and like to take a trip out to the mountains lots of weekends. Seems theres quite a few other Osaka people on here, do you hook up and go off there together? I have a car usually a few places empty. if you're interested give us a shout.
  15. Osaka, seems there's a few of us. Anyone want to hook up?
  16. I got me a car to get me out of the city, I couldn't live without it.
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