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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by yamayamayama

  1. That was very interesting! Love the naff warmups. My first run is my warmup. Ah, new thread.
  2. It is a beaut. Can you see the top from the base of the skijo? I get the impression from photos that you can't...
  3. Volcano. Actually, not it was bloody awful with little redeeming features.
  4. Took me a short while to 'ping' on where they were, so just in case http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/photo_section.php?category=3
  5. Just want to say thanks for getting these things together. Look forward to hopefully winning something in the season. Top.
  6. Got to admit I don't really like paying for accommodation at all. It always seems overpriced, to me anyway and just a necessary evil. Almost always glad to be back home in my own bed. I have had a few business trips that I didn't pay for - didn't mind them at all!
  7. There's a fair few votes in today already it seems which makes the 'rogues' all that more obvious. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/A_TO_Z_ResortVoteChart.php?caldate=2009-10-15 The blue colored area that shows the most is a good idea. That will also mask out any rogues like those blizzards in niseko today. Nice work all round.
  8. Gave it a watch last night - very interesting and lots of images I hadn't seen before.
  9. I see Japan got beaten by the "mighty" Holland. I suppose the media will be thankfully quite quiet about that. Phew.
  10. Quote: So, unless you know how to test your drugs, ie) melting point test, bleach test for coke you really don't know much of the drug you want to take. This is the immediate danger. Overdose. Allergic reactions resulting in death. Got to laugh at that lot. So do you test your drugs before you take them Jynxx? Sounds like the risks are minimal, so perhaps not really worth the hassle.
  11. Newcastle Brown!! Haven't had any of that for 15+ years.
  12. Thanks for mentioning that, will give it a watch.
  13. Quote: A dolphin's brain is not distinguishable from that of a human other than by a marine biologist. Really?
  14. Sounds interesting for sure. Lots of Queen and ott influences on there. I like Muse they look brilliant live.
  15. What is "teba" gyoza then? Never heard of that.
  16. And aren't Chelsea getting on a bit anyway average age?
  17. Well, in protest I am never using Ikea again. I am truly outraged!
  18. In the market myself. Interesting to see what others are getting, got me thinking more about it.
  19. Are you at a base school and do lots of lessons TB or lots of travelling around?
  20. I would never buy a season pass for the same reasons. They are of course great for people who know they'll be there a lot in a season. Must be great if you live nearby (though don't you get freebies? )
  21. GoNative you missed two rather important parts of my mail Quote: I didn't take advantage of a few situations They were there to take advantage of. Quote: when I was a young'un.... Not done too bad for myself as a grown up'n. Though I still have that compass guiding me, an adult version.
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