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Everything posted by meat

  1. Kobe beef rocks. The few times I have had it is was incredible.
  2. This is a software thing not hardware, but I've had one or two problems with getting some English software to work on my Japanese PC. It worked fine on my English PC, but there was some kind of driver problem with the Japanese one. I think if you buy foreign software at Tzone or other places they have signs up saying they can't guarantee if it will work on a Japanese pc.
  3. Not that much, it was mostly day trips for me so no accomm. costs. Less than 100 thosand
  4. How about this? http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v17/i4/differences.asp or In his new book, If a Lion Could Talk, Stephen Budiansky follows philosopher Daniel Dennet by arguing that two kinds of mind exist: those that work successfully without language (all non-human, animal minds) and those that possess the capacity for language (the human mind). Refusal to distinguish between these two types of mind leads to anthropomorphism, Budiansky believes. We want to see animals as similar to ourselves and so we overinterpret what they do. Instead of attributing human abi
  5. I have never said "happy easter" to anyone in my life.
  6. In the case of the one teacher I know really well, absolutely truly felt tears.
  7. I've heard that many hotels in the Shiga Kogen area offer special deals for school groups and it is well known as a school trip ski resort place. I know when I've been esp on weekdays a large % of the people there are school groups.
  8. I like the "middle part" I suppose you could call it. The far extremes (Okushiga and the other highest point forgot the name) don't allow snowboarders anyways.
  9. You're gonna need a hi-def tv to see any difference as well. They're gonna look awesome though for movies and the like. Looking forward to it.
  10. Alone officially, (unofficial) Ms Meat coming round quite often and almost living here.
  11. The Best Air Guitar Album in the World.... Ever and The Best Air Guitar Album in the World.... II CLASS!
  12. I'm getting fed up of being expected to work tons of overtime hours and not getting paid for it. My official hours are 9am-5:30pm, but I usually do at least an hour more than that and often 2. It's getting to be a pain now as it seems to be "expected" and there is apparantly no chance of being paid for it. Anyone else find themselves in this situation?
  13. Very sad. As for what happened: >>> Reeve went into cardiac arrest Saturday at his home in Westchester County, New York, after developing a serious systemic infection during treatment for a pressure wound. He slipped into a coma and died Sunday afternoon at a hospital near his home.
  14. I was at an enkai the other night and a place of fish and shell/clams came in, and lots of it was still moving. People getting stuck in taking their fish and putting it in the boiling water watching it squirm. I don't know the names of these fish or whatever but it was gross. I could not get myself to eat anything, my appetite was gone. My friends said it was fresh and tasted better. Is that bullshit or what?
  15. not into the idea of dogmeat
  16. What the **** that big arse (j-lo) is doing in the top 100 is surprising enough....
  17. Johnny Hates Jazz The Thompson Twins Erasure Oh How Sad (not a band name!)
  18. Theman's right. No need to go all the way over the Goryu if you're not riding there.
  19. Lazy git. I was working this morning - now on hols until the 5th
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