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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by AET

  1. I wonder if that actually sounds appealing to anyone out there?
  2. All the class chicks are obviously after the AETs.
  3. One of the dragon ladies at our school (a tracher) tends to use those sticky pads in the teachers room on big occasion days. You can almost HEAR the pain when she rips them off. It really is disgusting, someone should tell her.
  4. 12m at home and dial up at school, can't complain though they let me use it.
  5. Quite often I do take part - kinda part of the job, and I don't mind.
  6. Oh my, I am cool. Don't Stand So Close To Me by The Police Another One Bites The Dust by Queen
  7. Escape date = late July Coming back date = late August Late July - late August = cool bliss.
  8. Some have it better/worse than others. I could never do what bobby12 does and get away with it
  9. Us AETs aren't exactly rich from our salaries, but I probably got through about 150000 yen on my hobby this winter.
  10. You can see that vid on http://www.petshopboys.co.uk/
  11. I spend only 30 minutes or so, but in summer I hate it so so so much.
  12. Incubus Dirt Korn I'm in a loud angry mood recently.
  13. Some people like a little meat. Some of the skinny skeletons you see walking round here are pretty
  14. I think it depends on the school setup etc, but many AETs do seem to get Friday afternoon off.
  15. Whats the deal with this Ishihara (?) bloke. Is he really racist?
  16. I've decided to give the race this weekend a chance.... one last chance
  17. Looks amazing. Is there a town/city near there, or is it literally in the middle of nowhere?
  18. Lots of for sale in Shinjuku. (And almost everywhere else for that matter)
  19. Indosnm - how do you find the PS2 dvd playback. (I think it sucks)
  20. I read they're already talking about changing the qualifying this season. What a complete mess.
  21. Blinkin ek, I didnt know you could do that. That does sound like a good idea.
  22. Throw in an AET. Let them take over and sit at the back, embarrassed. Thats my experience so far.
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