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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by DumbStick

  1. I was in Yuzawa for New Years. It was very quiet even in the middle of the town. There were some fireworks going off (Kandatsu? Naspa?) and izakayas were busy, but apart from that not much going on there. They are in need of snow as well....
  2. An interesting article http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/biztech/01/01/apple.suit.reut/index.html
  3. We seem to have lots of Hayashis and Kobayashis around here.
  4. Bought a stack of cds and dvds today Pretty much on impulse.
  5. Since you have been in Japan, have you ever taught - or do you still teach - English?? I wonder whay % will have done the eikaiwa in one of its many forms!
  6. I bet thats great. I love most kinds of fried snacks way too much. Open a tube of pringles and the whole things gome before you can shave your beard.
  7. I LOVE getting a massage, does wonders.
  8. Got one tonight hey it might end up being a laff.
  9. Well forgive me for saying it as I know it, MATE. (Why the caps? ) In my Japan world, the vast majority of Japanese eat and drink more noisily than a group of 10 hungry pigs fighting over food. It seems that many other people experience the same as me here too: http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=001186#000000
  10. Indosnm - so many of the Japanese folk you know eat and drink quietly? Not the Japan I know, mate.
  11. Be honest. Do you watch porn - either in print or on the web? Perhaps a 430 discuss topic, albeit a bit late.... the goodness or badness of porn.
  12. Lots of Comments there as well. Bizarre. An angry man it seems.
  13. Well said. GUILTY. (I think Siren just wants the chance to stand up and should "OBJECTION" in our court every now and then.)
  14. About once a day, usually drinks and snacks plus the phone bills.
  15. Yes I think that the 430 thread should be clearly marked in the thread title. She was a rose.
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