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Everything posted by xxx

  1. The lift at Suginohara is good. I only ever bring the safety bar down on a few lifts that make me feel unconfortable - not keen on going in a downward direction on a lift.
  2. How much was there? I'd think a real good dump was 40-50cm or so.
  3. I haven't heard how he did actually. Will be watching Crash tonight (planned to anyway). Saw Munich as well recently which was really good.
  4. I'm sure the guy up our road is growing something - here in Japan.
  5. The Australian bit was brought about by irate people in Niseko.
  6. Quote: Silly thing was, both were on the beginners slopes. Often happens I think... does to me as well.
  7. What was up with last night? he says plunging into the snow in japan thread.
  8. Well thats interesting, the reviews I read about Flight Plan were all pretty crappy. Goes to show hey.
  9. I hope it is. Then again it was good to laugh at.
  10. I just asked Bono and he said no, he's keeping the cash.
  11. Going quiet is what I do as well.... quiet and unresponsive. Otherwise I might say something I regret. Reminds me of that other post. Not sure I'd want to go up a tree.
  12. I might tape it and just view his bits. I hope he doesn't become Mr Bore.
  13. The New Otani has a nice Japanese garden if I remember correctly.
  14. A few of my colleagues have "secret" girlfriends. Not because anyone involved is married or otherwise attached, not for any apparent reason actually. It's just secret.
  15. Hey rahul - so what happened? Go on, explain.
  16. I read that a long time ago and had similar thoughts, definitely leaves an impression.
  17. Ho ho ho. What did Santa bring you? He brought me a season pass for 47!
  18. How could they not see that. Or perhaps it is a cunning plan to get noticed?
  19. Terry perhaps? He has a kinda bulging not very regular eye thing going on.
  20. These things are for playing music right?
  21. Went to one last night, cost 12000 yen! and came out of the "pot" so nothing to do apart from drink as much as possible. Got a real bad headache!
  22. "Just because I slept with you, doesn't mean I have to ski with you" It should be a given shouldn't it. (As long as they are your level).
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