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About JPchucky

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    SJ'er with 200+ posts
  1. Haven't heard it yet... but I saw James Hetfield in San Fran. a few months back eating in a restaurant. My friend and I were in the bar getting sloppy when my friend spotted him across the way. My friend yelled "What's up James?" at him across the way, and he flipped us off. Kinda seemed like a reg. yuppie flippin us off... hilarious
  2. Originally Posted By: kathfern Originally Posted By: Creek Boy u should buy my atomics which are 130-105-120 at 180cm for 20,000 yen. It will cost you roughly 4000 yen to rent a pair of powder skis for a day. The Classifides section has been taken down cuz of spammers, but sure it will be up again soon and you can see the pic. Theyre bomber. Thats an excellent price for a pair of skis which are in fantastic shape. I think they might be a bit long for me, mine are only 162cm. 180cm - I could see myself getting into lots of trouble! But thanks anyway! I wiseman once said: Short sk
  3. I back up everything I have. I put photos on DVD and onto an external HD. Then my music... I record live music at 24 bit so the files are pretty big. One hour > 1gb = well over 1tb of masters. Then 1tb+ of just Phish shows!!!! A terrastation of other random shows. All those shows are FLAC'd onto DVD-r as well. Also most of my Phish shows and alot of other shows. I transfered off of DAT so I still have those as well. So in the end everything gets backed up at least three times + I upload alot of my shows to the Live Music Archive, so there's a fourth, actually a fifth be
  4. Growing out the beard, eh? Best I can do????? Lifeless geek? didn't say that, but you prolly know yourself better than I. I only met you that one time a couple years ago... I'll leave the room of intelligence and leave you here to wait for an "intelligant rebuttal" oh wiseman.
  5. Thursday your such a fucckup!! You can't answer your own question.
  6. Shit, Six months later and this is still on the front page. Remember that time at the SJ party when Oyuki wouldnt stop rambling on about this? I still have that photo from when he got all heated and had to sit down.
  7. I think that person just says it like that because of their accent or it's just the way they say it. That's "prolly" the case since e is a couple of keys away from a but maybe... Like in the midwestern US people like to go huntin' or fishin'. Whatchadoin? -> nuttin. *Oh, sweet, new smileys. (I've been out for awhile)
  8. I love this clip! Should have kicked Liam in the sack, what a **** pussy. But really, That's what he get's for attacking our sense of hearing for so long.
  9. OK... You know that bond of commitment that is the climbing rope right? HE SLICED IT UP!! CUT THE ROPE! There's ABSOLUTELY no reason to ever cut the rope when your partner is in an unknown state. IMHO he should be sentenced to a life of free soloing! They were careless straight up, and surely could have avoided this situation! In three seasons working Yosemite SAR I've seen many a body scraped off the granite cause someone was too lazy to set a decent belay anchor, THOUGHT they had to get down because of closing weather that prolly wouldn't have killed them anyway, or Feared they wou
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