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Originally Posted By: BagOfCrisps
It's a fantastic place ger. Have you been?
I'm sorting through some pics and next week will write up some stuff, but we loved the place.

Not yet... One of these days, probably. Got the impression it was more of a touristy sort of place with lots of beauty but less full on skiing though... Looks like an insane amount of snow. Most in Japan, perhaps???
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It is a touristy place - and you can probably imagine why looking at the photos. Incredible scenery. It's also a very large resort. It's not perfect of course. Like Nozawa in some ways, but I guess bigger.


Next week will write much more.

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ILoveZao - thanks for all the photos, whether you know it or not, you are doing Zao a great service by posting them all and letting tons of people see them.


I can only see that resort getting more popular.


Question for you if you don't mind..... how is the snow up there this year? Monsters as genki as they usually are?



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SKI. The snow is quite good as we are high area, though yes it is less than usual and it feels spring-like these last week or so. Lower slopes of course have less. There is still much though higher up especially. The monsters suffered a bit in period late January because of warm period. They took a bit of diet and slim down! But since then we had some colder weather but again it has been warm...


Generally recent years become less cold, it is worry in long term if it continue/

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I hear that the monsters are sadly getting smaller as the winters generally get warmer. Sad, they are a spectacular sight.


ger, while I love skiing, when I go skiing it's the onsen and the food and the scenery as a whole that I go for. I reckon Zao has some great skiing (especially for someone like myself intermediate kinda level), it's a pretty big place.

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Unfortunately last week the warm weather affected us also. The monsters became trees. I felt sorry for the people coming to see them




But since then winter returned and we got new fresh snow







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