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best skier in hakuba

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by best skier in hakuba

  1. Xpuds are awesome. Can't remember when I last had one.
  2. Do they eat any old dog? I should look that up interesting question
  3. I think it will definitely snow - a lot - this winter. Without doubt, enough to ski. No worries folks.
  4. I thought it was 6000 or 7000 yen. What I meant to say was that compared to PSN which is free, it is expensive and many people question how long it will continue to cost to use. But anyhow, it is a waste if you hardly ever use it!
  5. I bet they don't do bank transfers because when you get into that many people will not pay the transfer charge. Cash in post gets you the full amount. All adds up.
  6. For big games I bet there's people there. Live is just too expensive though and I don't really play online either.
  7. There are some good looking machines out there now. I want to know why it took so long to get away from the huge cream/grey ugly towers.
  8. Quote: It's the nose tips that really get cold. Oh yes, there should be nose gloves. Though it might look a bit girly, not good for gnarly dudes like some of us.
  9. As much as Hakuba is a fine place, I would also recommend doing somewhere else within that time seeing as though you have a full month. It seems a shame not to seek out different places when they aren't that far off.
  10. Choices heavily weighted to people who can get out a lot I see!!! Like me I suppose. haha. I will be upset if I don't put the gear on 50 times.
  11. Next month Docomo are introducing a new pack that gives you unlimited internet use on the keitais - but not a fixed charge.... you have to pay I think just over 1000 yen a month and on top of that how much you use that month but importantly with an upper limit of around 4500 yen or nearly 6000 yen if you use the full browser. So if you don't use it much in a month it will be cheap and if you use it tons you can do so without worrying about a potentially unknown huge bill.
  12. Good feature that, came up with some good choices for me.
  13. No season pass for all the resorts together to buy unfortunately. (You have to win it!). So you're left with the season passes for each of the resorts.
  14. There are literally hundreds of small places doing rental, all over the place much pretty similar. (One that crops up in quite a few is called Spicy). My advice would be probably best for you to ask the place where you are staying in Hakuba, who will surely help out pointing out the nearest and best closeby.
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