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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by slimeypete

  1. I use something by a company called Corega (CG-WLBARGMH). I can put up to 4 yusen cables in and as many musen as I want. It seems pretty good to me, though nothing to compare it against
  2. Mine is usually yogurt, apple and banana. Not very exciting.
  3. To quote John "Unconditional war can no longer lead to unconditional victory. It can no longer serve to settle disputes. It can no longer concern the Great Powers alone. For a nuclear disaster, spread by wind and water and fear, could well engulf the great and the small, the rich and the poor, the committed and the uncommitted alike. Mankind must put an end to war--or war will put an end to mankind."
  4. I like my fish so fresh, I want them to be moving when I eat them.
  5. Newsreaders looking ever so serious. Morning chat show hosts who stand to attention with hands neatly in front. Everyone always agreeing with everyone.
  6. Listening to a lot of Spiritualized at the moment. Great name too.
  7. I think the most air I have had at once was in a wipeout.
  8. What irritates me is at parties when I am almost forced to drink when I don't want to. I don't of course but it is always a strange situation. Not into paying the same as someone eating and drinking 10 times as much as me either.
  9. I saw the recent remake of The Fog. It was totally crap. I liked the original one though. If you like Carpenter movies, make sure you listen to his commentaries, definitely worth it.
  10. So - do Canadians have a reputation for being particularly good or bad at spelling?
  11. This is copied and pasted from a mail I got this morning: dsdfposodkfpwkdqpwod kq wpodk qpsdko qp dokqwpd qkwwp dq wkd pqwok dqpwo kwqp dkq pwdo wdqokd Anyone able to translate that?
  12. Putting it into a bit of perspective there misorano. I still like to complain though.
  13. Buds are the way to go. I have one who works in a place in a big sports store. Good friend to have
  14. I went in spring as well. Great place. Love the little ones playing around. Are there no "No Swimming in the Onsen" rules in Monkeyland then?
  15. Tabby cat vs Black bear. What do you reckon? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5067912.stm
  16. Not interested in the World Cup. Tell me I'm not alone.
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