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Everything posted by r45

  1. Oops sorry wrong thread, I thought it was the Important one. Not that the above is NOT important.
  2. Quote: Brangelina: This haggis is offal HOLLYWOOD superstars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie took on a traditional Burns supper - but couldn't handle the haggis. The A-list couple and their six kids were served the feast - escorted by a kilted piper - at their Ayrshire mansion on Monday. But the only one who cleaned his plate was son Maddox, ten - with the leftovers going to the family's security guards. A source said: "Ayrshire's Burns country so it was a fitting way to celebrate a great time here. But it was only Maddox who took a shine to the Haggis." As well as paying tribute
  3. Definitely. Amazing how strong with yen has been with all that has happened to Japan. Not that I understand how all this lot works of course.
  4. Did not know that. Interesting. If prosperity has that affect, why are so many Western societies pissed? Perhaps complacency.
  5. Amazing how that Mona Lisa one actually looks like the painting. Well, sort of. Its instantly recognisable.
  6. On the 3rd season of The Wire, which is excellent.
  7. Any good 'I got upgraded' stories? It always seems so random and basically luck.
  8. I think the thinking is.... lets be on the safe side this time! Overestimating being preferable to the opposite.
  9. At least that smarmy spokesman has gone. He was having it off with some lady who was not his wife and some manazine outed it. Been replaced.
  10. I like treasure hunts. But do you need to pay at the end?
  11. ...or an earthquake or a nuclear explosion, of course!
  12. yeah I do too.... lots of books all together and can choose the one to suit the mood.
  13. Feed Me Oil is another of those physics based games that is a lot of fun.
  14. They always look bigger when you get them home than in the shop. Bonus!
  15. Actually.... what precautions are in place at Fukushima Daiichi to protect against another very strong quake/tsunami??
  16. That's after morning coffee and deep fried scones, right?
  17. Originally Posted By: Go Native Originally Posted By: r45 What authors you like Go Native? I've always been keen to read some science fiction but often it seems to go off on a deep end. Any recommendations for a good shallow end? So many to choose from! I think the first sci-fi series I read was the Foundation Trilogy by Asimov. It's a classic series that I'm sure you'd enjoy and leads onto other goodies like the Robot series. It's what got me started in the genre. Might well do that, cheers.
  18. Want to buy? At least they are honest. Quote: Loads of truly terrible records. I mean, really bad. the very worst things ever committed to vinyl. Imagine the entire U2 discography. Well its slightly better than that. But not much better. That said, you young sorts who "drop beats" with the new fandangled "funk-sample-house" or whatever might find some "cool-cuts" to "spin" on your record "wheels". There are 30 records here, so thats at least a month longer you can hide behind your decks and not bother to learn a real instrument like that flute that you gave up on whe
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