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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by BigSausage

  1. Every time I look at the news these days I seem to see floods, mudslides, wrecked roads, swimming cars, destroyed houses etc. It's depressing.
  2. That sure is a nice pic there. There's tons of daikon growing round the back of where I live. They're not actually mine, but the landlords, but he always passes quite a few on every season. Daikon are great.
  3. BE CAREFUL if you're at work!! This is noisy and can make you jump.
  4. I've had 4 weeks off, back to work on Monday. Hard life, I could do with another week or so.
  5. I saw that, terrible terrible. I thought she was a bit better than that...
  6. Check out some of the images on this page here http://www.cyberium.net/imagine/main.htm Freeky
  7. Funny stuff. "Boring men...and the women who love them". I didn't read that for my own benefit of course.
  8. I heard on the Japanese news that they are considering banning the sale of the cheaper import CDs. I find it funny that some of the record companies way of going about the whole problem is being strict with people who actually spend money on their product in the first place (ie all this copy control stuff). And - how come you can still copy the copy control cds in itunes? not complaining mind
  9. Not bought one yet, but very tempted.
  10. I saw that too rach, quite good. I've always liked his music right back from when I was back at school. The album from last year, Up, was good too.
  11. Has anyone here taken any other Japanese tests other than the big one in December? A friend a few years ago said there was some kind of kanji test that we could do - one that is for Japanese as well, but anyone can take it. Does anyone know about that one?
  12. Get angry about whatever angers you, I say. Nosmoking areas in most places here are a joke.
  13. Due for a purchase soon even cutting back on the beer to justify that better chip.
  14. I have a Clie, don't use it that much actually.
  15. They seem to have turned their cam on the garbage! (Its on the Yuzawa Now page)
  16. What does Easter mean to you? When I was a kid, I used to get loads of chocolate eggs, creme eggs, etc etc. I dont get any now. So it's lost all meaning.
  17. And whats with the stereotype (but often accurate) gay accent?
  18. I was on the Yamanote yesterday and there was this old homeless guy sitting there - the train was busy, apart from a 5 meter radius of space around him. He was sleeping. He was also VERY smelly. The place stunk.
  19. Don't they have the right to protest when people are copying their output and not paying for it?? Sheesh.
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