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Everything posted by oblivion

  1. Definitely. Lets just say they are the 2 busiest days of the week.
  2. Saw it a friend bought it for me It is quite silly really, though of course will just reinforce opinions of the fools likely to spend money on it. What does the "Ura" thing really signify nuance wise?
  3. Not that gamera I think it was more them not wanting overseas Japanese restaurants to serve food that was not "traditional Japanese style". ie. no cheese on sushi that kind of thing.
  4. Looks like 24-40 overnight forecast. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/yuzawa-now.php
  5. Sheepish is how that couple looked as well the other day in Hakuba - 20 tv cameras in your face will do that I suppose!
  6. I seem to recall something like this happening last season as well and Gala being on the news. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/daily/yuzawa-now.php "This afternoon at around 2pm, the gondola at Gala Yuzawa had to stop due to 20m/s strong winds. No one is on the gondola but there are 3000 or so people still at the top resthouse waiting for the gondola to take them down the mountain. Let's hope they can get down sooner rather than later".
  7. I'm buying a new laptop and for 3000 yen extra I'll be getting Vista and Office 2007 upgrades when they get released.
  8. What's going on with "Shirakaba 2 in 1"? Did we ever work out why Hakuba 47 has that name?
  9. I got stopped last night. They paniced when they noticed I was a bad gaijin. I passed the test though.
  10. Stingrays are in short supply now. Only another 50 posts to go, so, tomorrow then.
  11. Rock stars lined up on Music Station or whatever it's called and politely saying "yoroshiku onegai shimasu".
  12. The theory is fine but why does it have to last so damn long? Not that long to go now. PS And how many other seasons were there again.?
  13. I'm not even really a fan of fish, but that place is interesting and worth a visit.
  14. Nice one soubs. Quote: She's producing some kind of confection based on our local Obanazawa water melons Sounds nice that.
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