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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by ug

  1. Or are we just going through a lull before the next winter front moves in? It certainly seems mild for mid-Feb. Not so great conditions at lots of places this weekend
  2. Quote: As somebody who has had major operations to remove a benign tumour, I can assure you that there was really no psychological effects and stress, etc involved. Er, maybe - in your case, but that doesn't mean that it applies to everyone. Quote: That only comes to women who have the knowledge that they're doing something wrong, and most women who have abortions feel it at some level. Well, I just don't agree with that. It might be the case with some/many cases, but certainly not all. Many women don't feel it's wrong, but just don't like the fact that they have gotten into the situat
  3. Until recently I always stuck to the groomed slopes and I still like them. But I'm becoming a bit more adventurous lately
  4. Whats the problem? Well for a start it's an operation, which always has risks. Then on top of that there's all the psychological effects and stress, etc
  5. I put in a bid, but someone else bidded more than me - went over my budget.
  6. OK not quite part of the molesting kids thing, but.. I'm just watching a report that says that Wacko has earned over half a billion dollars in his career - yet he's "broke". Er, what the hells he done with his dosh??? He can't have spent it all in Toys'R'Us.
  7. Got the 2003 edition on my PC now. Outlook looks different and quite a lot better - although I will need much more time to get to know it all. Installed no problem.
  8. PEople not being as interested in Japan as I think they may be and then trying to hint that.
  9. What are those purple eggplant like pickles called?
  10. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/3203472.stm 10000 wait to see him come out of his box. 10000?!?! I hope he has a shower and nice cup of tea and that they also clean out that box before the next person enters it.
  11. Quote: I do run a business but am not affected by consumer tax How come?
  12. But they are being seen all over now! No need to worry! Loads of snow!
  13. Taking level 3 in December. Wish me luck!
  14. Got 24 season 2 a week ago and it rocks, excellent stuff, glued to the tv since then square eyes.
  15. Anyone else out there interested? Hopefully there should be some good action.
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