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I've found my first grey hairs - and I'm still in me 20's! eek.gif \:\(


Loads of J guys seem to dye their hair.


What do you think? To dye or not to dye?

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One thing i've noticed with ex pats... they seem to stay looking youg for longer, except for the grey hairs, they seem to come sooner.


Mine first came around 24, but eight years later, not significantly worse... now there's a cheery thought \:D

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a couple of weeks ago i was in class and walking around the students' desks looking over their work. there was one boy, 15yrs old, who i noticed had soooo many grey hairs. i thought to myself, well, lucky it's not me. later that night, i found 3 on my head!! it's started! at least i don't mind dying my hair.

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Not going grey just yet. I don't think i will for a bit. But i am still losing my hair. You should have seen the amount of hair on my pillow the other morning when i woke. Scared the bejesus outta me.


When i do start going grey (if i have any hair left that is) i think i'll just let it run its course.

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I've got a couple so far and I am only 24.


But as for dying. My Grade 8 Humanities Teacher died her completly grey head of hair black. What was so funny though was that she would take forever to redye it. So much so that she looked like a skunk or Pepi Le Poo.

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