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The water in Tokyo comes from "Tonegawa and Tamagawa". It denpends on which area you live.

Kanagawa spent a lot of money to make several dams near the lake(Sagami dam, Miyagase dam...), steady supply and no need to worry about water. Sometimes Kanagawa give(or sell??) water to Tokyo. Tokyo relys on other prefecture, Gunma which Tonegawa comes from, so sometimes have to worry about the shortage of water. I learned this good aspect of Kanagawa because I was educated in there. ;\)


I usually take shower before bed. When I drank too much, next morning.

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Morning.. Essential to wake me up and to start the day feeling fresh!

Evenings in summer too b4 bed.

Lately I have been having a bath with my son in the evenings too.


In Indonesia the crew that I lived with would shower whenever they felt hot. Some of the cleanest people that I have ever met.


the J thing, going to work after a sweaty night ( and maybe a shag too) just doesn't seem so clean to me!

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Originally posted by Indosnm:
the J thing, going to work after a sweaty night ( and maybe a shag too) just doesn't seem so clean to me!
Too right, Indo. Especially when it is mid summer and you are nose-to-armpit with the stinky unhygienic buggers on the rush hour train. If I am not seeing damp hair on the train in the morning then I am getting very worried.

Seriously, how hard could it be to clean yourself before heading out into the public arena for the day, particularly when you are so cramped into each others space.

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I agree with DBs posting. I have to have a quick shower in the morning just to wake up and warm me up in the winter or cool me off in the summer.


Regardless of what I do or the season, I probably stink - or at least my feet do \:o And, after working out after work taking a shower is just a no brainer.


Some of you dont shower after shagging??? eek.gif wakaranai.gif What does your other half think??

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i think yall would change your shower views if you had a hellish one like mine. in the summer its fine, but its freeeeezing in the winter. i sometimes do db's trick of putting the towel in the dryer but the washing machine/dryers in the same room as the shower so i kinda freak out about possible electocution. i got my shower fixed over the summer so i no longer have to cradle the showerhead on my shoulder- it rests on a hook above my head now. but the water pressure is ridiculous and the room is freezing. i try to shower elsewhere whenever possible- at the gym or an onsen or friends' houses. if its impossible for me to shower somewhere besides my apartment, i have to seriously psych myself up to use the shower. i try to go as long as possible before i have to use it- sometimes that means a shower in the evening at the gym one day, none the next, and then one in the morning on the third day. but this happens for work, where i dont give a shit about my appearance. if I'm going out in nagano or being social in some other way, i'll brave the shower. of course, once the weather gets warmer, i shower at least once a day. preferrably in the mornings and again in the evening if i'm going out.

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No, sorry, that's disgusting...


I've washed from a bucket after first breaking the ice in a room with no window glass on more than one occasion... by no means enjoyable but beats a day started dirty, there is nothing worse than not washing in the morning!


(your not french, are you...)

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no, i'm not french. but one thing to keep in mind is that i'm not a sweaty person. some guys stink and need to shower. and i wear antiperspirant/deodorant and perfume. so honestly, i dont feel gross.

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You got me there, yes, i'm a stinky man...well, I would be if I went more than 12 hours sans l'eau...


One thing for all to remember though... by the time you can smell yourself it's all over ;\) (and a good friend never tells)

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Have to agree on the 2 shower a day thing. I'm barely functional if I don't have a morning shower. Also can't go to bed feeling grotty, so evening showers are a must too.


However, on the hiking thing, I was with a couple of guys on a trip once and we decided to see how long we could actually go without bathing before we couldn't stand it (wanting to see if the whole thing about getting used to your own stench was true...). We were out in the wild so we figured we couldn't offend anyone else. Its scary to admit we went 13 days without washing before I caved in and refused to go on if I didn't have a 3 hour long shower. Urghhh. Shudder just thinking about it. \:\(


And don't believe anyone who says you get used to it. You get REAL stinky in 13 days. " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" />

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Originally posted by Indosnm:

Lately I have been having a bath with my son in the evenings too.
you too huh? I was a bit sceptical about the J-way to bathe kids but after trying to wash junior from the outside and finding it was awkward I changed my thinking plus I ended up getting as wet as if I had been in the tub ( the little sod has a better kick than Thorpie!)
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Kamo, baths here are too deep to lean over into to wash him so its easier to jump in!


Back in Oz all the little kids have baths at night too, just seems once we hit a certain age that morning showers become important...if not essential!

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I went a week up in Niseko without showering. Not so bad. It wasn't me that stank. It was my clothes.


But after that I showered everyday after skiing for the next 2 weeks. My clothes still stank though. Especially my socks.

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Rachael, I start twitching just thinking about it.


I remember on the final day we had just hitched a ride in a ute, but we had to sit in the open area because we stank so much. It started dumping snow - freezing, blinding snow. We got let off in a tiny town and were walking to the other side to try to pick up another lift when we passed a little hostel.


The guys walked right past it even though I begged to get a room. They finally turned around when I threw a hissy fit and called them every name under the sun for coming up with such a stupid idea as not washing. It wasn't pretty - there were tears, there was foot stamping and there was plenty of healthy cursing. eek.gif


I told them they could get stuffed and I was going to be warm and toasty and clean while they lived in their own filth. You should have seen how quickly they changed their minds about being warm and clean once they realised that they could blame me for breaking first! I think I used an onsens worth of water before I felt human again. lol.gif

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