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Slightly windy tonight, chaps

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oh yoiks, you must be right in the middle of it. If you're in an old Japanese house, they sure rattle and shake in the wind. More than likely all will be well in a few hours once it passes, but still, it can get pretty intense. It's supposed to be quite a biggie.

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That was a bit close for comfort.


We shut all our windows, but the panes started bulging inwards and the aluminium frames also bowed as well. It looked like they might blow in at any time. The whole house was shaking, and the lights kept flickering off momentarily. Outside, invisible things were smacking into the roof with loud noises. And it went on and on for hours.


This morning, all is calm and peaceful, but there are potted plants strewn all around, and some biggish trees down.


That's the first typhoon that has ever seemed at all scary. I went outside to put out the rubbish at 9 pm, and outside seemed a very dangerous place to be. Having utility cables slapping and twanging right above your head doesn't make it feel any less hazardous either. Very safety country.

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After a wild monday night of wind, rain and sirens blaring, a wide area of Takamatsu suffered heavy damage due mainly to flooding.


The streets are filled with the ruined contents of 1,000's & 1,000's of houses! Unbelievable

Pretty distressing sight for many.

I was lucky - the deeper water came to within 100 metres of my place.


We can't control nature's brutish power, BUT some better disaster preparedness, efficient warning/evacuation systems and a review of a pathetic flood/drainage infra-structure would be a big help.

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Just got back from a cycle around the neighbourhood to check the sea level and canal as peak tide was @ 6.


Luckily for my side it needs about 30cm more to flood and I'm sure it won't.


BUT - the guys on the other side already are suffering AGAIN . Sea water's flowing down the streets like little streams and no one can do much about it.


However a big difference this time (other than possibly less flooding) is the firemen, city & ken emergency officers are everywhere, evacuating people, sandbagging, making road blocks and generally looking efficient & organized.

Striking contrast to the gross ineptness displayed just 7 days ago. Decisiveness is not a Japanese trait at all.


Hoping for minimal damage for folks this time.

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