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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by maninjapan

  1. My god was there on Friday and it all seemed fine. Would hate to be in that situation though.
  2. Nope I didn't explains a lot of things thought
  3. Man am going to this - 10,000 yen is cheap for a u2 gig man. You CAN NOT afford to miss this.
  4. Quote: On Saturday he suggested Emperor Akihito should visit the Tokyo shrine because those who died in wars did so in honour of their emperor. He had said: "From the viewpoint of the spirits of the war dead, they hailed 'Banzai' ['long life'] for the emperor. None of them said, 'Long live the prime minister'. now he has backed down? hmmmm I wonder why that could be
  5. People talk about Japan having a democracy - yet the same party has been in power for how long now? and aren't Japanese people stereotypically followers? The day I see something revolutionary in Japan is the day that I will be suprised about it.
  6. Hey is anyone gonna be around these days in yuzawa or naeba for boarding and drinking actipn?
  7. I live in Shin sugita, yokohama, kanagawa-ken
  8. Quote: Originally posted by _spud: I read at Borough Markets (a fresh food market) in London that England eats 185,000 tons of sausage every year. It is a scary statistic, especially considering the poor quality of nearly all supermarket sausages (a fact common to most countries). This sounds like a far better project than the crow project. A good sausage is one of my favourite things, hence my inclination for German food and also northern Italy salami. 97, for some project variety check out the traditional Bavarian breakfast. It is a good one for your assignment as there is unique
  9. It should be ok to get your stuff over here - you're not on the extreme end of size - too big or too small. How much would it cost to ship it all over if you bought it in Australia?
  10. Woo great idea I recommend Gala-Yuzawa on a weekday - easy to get to and relatively cheap.
  11. I'd love to come mejane when are you heading up there for and for how long?
  12. wasn't too impressed with Lost Japan - seemed like a load of waffle. just finished "the time travellers wife" - its a romantic, comedy, sci fi book and the ending is AMAZING! man I cried but manly tears though *gruff* now reading - the pythongs an autobiography by the pythons; john peel - margrave of the marshes both excellent books about two of the best things this life has offered so far.
  13. Define overweight though? You have the BMI which doesnt take into account the build of someone, for example I am 6ft and weight 15 stone 10, yet have an atheltic build and am considered overweight.
  14. Ok will let you know how I get on later - about to leave now, doesnt open till 2pm but you can start reserving stuff a midday! arghhh!
  15. this may sound like a long shot, but was wondering if there any places in Honshu or Hokkaido that are open for boarding in Golden Week? Even if it's for a few days?
  16. That's the one - what are the chances of me picking up a good deal though on the friday?
  17. Heard there was a huge sale in Tokyo this weekend of end of season snowboard wares - has anyone else heard this and if so where is it? Saw the advert on TV last night but my Kanji isn't good enough to recognise where it's at!
  18. Quote: Originally posted by 2pints,mate: A friend of mine said this chat up line actually worked. "People say we only use 10% of our brains. I say we only use 10% of our hearts." Said he got it from some movie and actual tried it in real-time. I think he's fibbing. It's from 'the wedding crashers' think owen wilson says it..... oh look it's my coat
  19. Watched Just Friends today - not a great movie but by no means a bad movie, just full of cliches that you've seen before in any boy-loves-girl-but-girl- wants-to-be-friends movie. In fact distinctly average really.
  20. Currently listening to Virgin Radio online, dunno why just felt like listening to it. CD wise - David Gray - Life in Slow Motion is on pretty heavy rotation. Led Zep - How The West Was One - an amzing live album just for disc 1 but combined with disc 2 & 3 it's simply breathtaking. LCD Soundsystem - great little album full of massive tunes.
  21. Snowboarder all the way now - my friend converted me - last time I was umming and arring about it but snowboarding down gala yuzawa in a blizzard just sealed it for me.
  22. I found the best way for me is twist my body and the board is flat with the slope. As the lift gets to the top ready to chuck you off i stand up and let the lift "push" you off, putting my back foot just in front of the rear binding. Then just let go and fine. This works for me but then I am strange.
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