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Everything posted by muikabochi

  1. It can be fantastic if you have a bed of new snow to play with and hardly anyone else. "Was like boarding in fairy land" - sums it up well!
  2. Friend has it and I had a go.... a lot of fun it is too! Makes me even want one of the things.
  3. Our region of Niigata is known as the place for the famous (best) 'koshihikari' rice and maybe that's why the water here is so goddam oishii. In winter it just gets so cold and it tastes the best - best I've ever had from a tap anyway. Anyone care to challenge?
  4. Welcome to the "most snow on top of a vehicle" photo contest. Let's see who can get the craziest photos going of crazy amounts of snow on cars and the like. Here's my first (admittedly early season) photo Extra points if you get a moving vehicle with over 1 meter of snow on it's roof And the prize is...... well, nothing. Just pride that you won the "most snow on top of a vehicle" photo contest!
  5. Nice one Heinze. Were A and B friends after all that?
  6. The deep fried camembert 'tempura' is quite popular in some places round here. Might not be diet food but it sure tastes good with beer.
  7. Well famous for some, but Hakkaisan near where I am is really great if you like moguls.
  8. Quote: Otherwise, Kayama Captain Coast, you know, the place with a sail boat. You are joking, right?
  9. Go Kags! I plan to be there when the first real dump arrives.
  10. Glad I didn't go round taking them now I took a few uploaded one of Ishiuchi from a place a friend has over the valley
  11. Yes it has. It's still very pretty when the sun is out in the valley.
  12. Not that I'm going, but let's hope it's not raining. Can you imagine going up there for such a small run and it being heavy rain?! Not the best of fun. It will surely be on the Niigata news tomorrow.
  13. Waiting for lifts here is not the norm. It sure was though 10-15 years ago apparently.
  14. Definitely, it's not the price. I've had some fairly expensive wine that I thought sucked.
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