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Everything posted by muikabochi

  1. Here's my bit of honesty. If lots of people had not just been "take-take", and actually spent small amounts of time giving something back -- see Giveaways, posting reports etc -- then the SJ folk may have felt that it was worth continuing to devote almost every living hour of their lives to it. People will probably realise that they took it all for granted and how much they miss it. I must add that this is just my own opinion and not based on any comments coming from the people involved at all.
  2. It is a shame but I have got used to the idea after hearing a short while ago. I can understand why. And I thank you guys for all the hugely disproportionate amount of effort they sucked out of you! I'll still be uploading photos.
  3. Dark and gloomy and a bit wet this morning here.
  4. The sun is out again. May not last as long today though.
  5. Need to plan hugely in advance for the gondola ride if I plan to hit up Tenjindaira of course.
  6. Other than Mt Granview of course... At least once at the locals - more/most times at Maiko - and further afield I hope to go to Kawaba, Hakuba, Myoko and Sugadaira this season. Perhaps Zao.
  7. Beautiful all day here. If tomorrow is too ill get some snaps.
  8. Stunning day locally today. I might say it is peak here now in the valley.
  9. I'm being good at the moment. Being really busy helps in that respect.
  10. Apparently it was down to around 3 overnight here. Lovely morning blue skies and the sun out.
  11. Rain still falling here though it is supposed to be clearer and sunny soon enough
  12. Cloudy and due rain on this national holiday.
  13. Is that Fukushima Dai-ichi in the distant middle there, or some other fab nuclear plant?
  14. 2 years delay? 東京電力は30日、福島第一原子力発電所1号機から核燃料を取り出す時期を、現在の計画より遅らせると発表した。 プール内の使用済み核燃料を取り出す作業の開始は2年、原子炉内で溶け落ちた燃料(溶融燃料)の取り出しは5年、それぞれずれ込む。建屋を覆うカバーの解体工事が遅れていることなどから、計画通り作業を進めるのは難しいと判断した。 これまでの政府と東電の廃炉工程表では、1号機のプールからの使用済み燃料取り出し開始は2017年度、溶融燃料の回収が20年度と予定されていた。 1号機から燃料を取り出すためには、まず建屋を覆うカバーを解体する必要がある。東電は7月に解体作業に着手するはずだったが、3号機のがれきを昨年8月に撤去した際、放射性物質が周辺に飛散した可能性が問題となり、福島県などが監視体制などの強化を求めていた。 Shocking and uncharacteristic of course, but there you go!
  15. Chilly outside but the sun is out and it looks like it will be another fine day. Yesterday was a beautiful one.
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