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Everything posted by HeatherLocklearRocks

  1. OK so why does he keep it? To play with? With a lady? Or another 'man'? All very interesting.
  2. OK so anyone heard of that 'talent' Ai Haruna? Japanese people I ask don't seem to be able to answer this clearly - is Ai a woman or a man? Used to be a man, right?
  3. Pickled Onion monster munch. They made your eyes water when you opened the packet. Are they still making them?
  4. It's ok. Different, probably best not to compare directly.
  5. Maiko sounds and looks like a good place, I hope to get there this time round. Close to the expressway as well by the looks.
  6. Just found out that I will definitely be here for another year, so I can look forward to another winter. No firm plans as yet and not likely to have any until late in the year.
  7. I managed to avoid it quite well too. Did anyone else noticed how quiet it went in Japan after they were knocked out. "Honda boarded a plane to Russia today with everyone in the world interested in signing him. (Cut to 30 minutes life story of Honda along with some 'kandoteki' music. With those goals shown again of course. 10 times). Oh, and finally, er, some foreign country won the world cup."
  8. My guess would be most people as well. A few of my gaijin friends don't. Every single Japanese person I know, and I know a fair few, has.
  9. It looks delicious, but at the same time totally disgusting. I'm confused!
  10. But what is she growing in those pots? It doesn't look like rice, it's purple.
  11. People leaving messages on answerphones Speak at a normal speed and clearly, not hyper fast and bumbling on. Because if you do the latter, I won't have the slightest idea what you are going on about!!
  12. The Android "Xperia" is out on the streets of Japan now. That's the one to get.
  13. Anyone here ever taken a close look at your Docomo or other phone bill? Bloody hell talk about making it hard to understand!! I have no idea what half the numbers on there are for.
  14. In away it's not an offending mail because it is some photos I'm expecting. So it was something I wanted, but not all at once like that!
  15. Someone just sent me 55MB of email and I'm on a fairly slow connection. I can't get to the mail I want to get to because this is downloading. 34 minutes to apparently. Very frustrating. I'll just look up some Heather online.
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