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Everything posted by METAL

  1. If I was planning on doing that, I'd buy two --- one won't be enough esp a place like Kandatsu (cool but definitely not big enough for a season).
  2. Where is Chubu central airport, never heard of that one?
  3. What you think of newest Metallica? I used to be into them early on, then didn't like the 90's but St Anger was a mess.
  4. Some looks are far more threatening/kimoi than others though, hey?
  5. Tried that, but I wouldn't mind hearing more from people if they have experience. My Japanese ain't too good.
  6. Forrest Gump was just terrible, I could never see the appeal in that. Enjoyed Braveheart, however mixed up the "history" might be. Didn't know Rocky won an Oscar.
  7. Slow that sounds well crazy. Is there not a bubbling bad feeling vibe going on?
  8. It's not illegal to talk on the phone while driving if you use hands-free right? I'm in the market, if anyone has any recommendations for equipment...? Thanks
  9. I love daikon. Not keen on daikon-ashi though
  10. Thanks, it rings a bell. But I thoght that was the village to the south? whats that one called then?
  11. Yeah, do share! Interesting to hear that they are actually trying to kerb all this.
  12. Can someone remind me of the name of the town/village just to the north of Hakuba? Cheers.
  13. Ah got some good memories of one of two of those machines. The most fun was out of the NES ages ago. Games might have advanced a lot, but there was a whole lotta fun coming from that box.
  14. They should be banned. And the roller skating dudes were I am told called Genji. Sounds great.
  15. I did 2 months in Asia after college. Went with a friend and had a wild time. Highly recommended. A full year would be awesome.
  16. The times I have been in a blizzard to places they seem to have it under control. Things might go slow, but they keep the roads pretty much clear.
  17. Anyone know of a place that has buzzing "80's Nights" at all in Tokyo?
  18. I'll admit to liking a big mac once in a while... usually after a lot of drink.
  19. Look at these "metal" dudes http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/top10/10blackmetal.html
  20. I won't go as far as bobby with the delicious bit (!), but I saw the flick over summer as well. It certainly is predictable, but worth a watch you get a few laughs out of it.
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