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Everything posted by merryJim

  1. Thats a good point. What I'm always scared of is the old ojisans and obasans who seem to have no control over their bikes wobbling all over the place and then suddenly deciding to turn left without warning. Always give them good space!
  2. Got an early birthday present from a good friend last week - complete box set of One foot in the grave. For those who don't know, it's a UK comedy about a grumpy old man. Basically. Brilliant.
  3. Just be glad they didn't turn into bouncing Rovers from The Prisoner!
  4. USB coffee cup warmer! It warmed up the wrong end did it? I have had no problems with new PCs I have bought. Usually the first thing I do before installing anything is uninstall all the junk on there. There's some guys at work who still have all that on their desktop - they don't use it - and even kept the (now worn out) sticker with the specs on their NEC from 4 years ago.
  5. At least 3 days. Having said that I don't particularly want over 6 days - I get too tired!!
  6. Those mountains in the Alps in Toyama are hard to beat. As are the Hakuba peaks.
  7. Looks like there's not much left of the building!
  8. Just like to add to that - very lovely area and good onsen too. I was there last October and it was perfect weather when we were there. Really good few days.
  9. I like Wednesdays as we have meetings and I basically do nothing. It is a good time for day-dreaming.
  10. I think they all lack something this year. Charisma maybe? Blow you away talent? That Daughtry seems to be doing well, I actually like the few songs I have heard of his.
  11. Those twirly moustaches - do they use hairspray to get them like that And..... what possesses them?
  12. SLRs are just too bulky and me not being a particularly avid photographer, a good small digital camera does me just fine.
  13. That sounds very painful. Lets careful peeling, thats what me nan used to say.
  14. I'm hoping to do it before summer. I want to go when it is least busy. Any top tips on when that might be, or does such a day even exist?
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