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Everything posted by base40

  1. Me too. You'd have to be really desperate to want to be on whats open today.
  2. Thats just dirt isn't it? Where they've scraped up the small amounts of snow that were there to put on the "slopes"!
  3. Getting busy on here Strange request. Anyone remember the Six Million Dollar Man? Remember the "bionic" sound effect they used when he did his bionic things jumping around and such? I want an audio file of it. Anyone able to help out? Cheers!
  4. It does actually look really cool, by the way.
  5. I see you look like here as well! http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/perso...455b7e5e7aa222a
  6. A Japanese friend of mine has one of them. It's definitely a, how should I put it, .... "talking point".
  7. Going tonight. Lets hope they don't suddenly feel the need for Matrix 4.
  8. Er, but how many times has that been released on dvd already? I hate it when they keep on adding something and selling the same thing. It isn't fair
  9. I've started waking up for the year Going to the gym 3 times a week to pump some iron. Beefy
  10. _Yeah good luck. I'm going with a 1500 tune up at the local
  11. Agree with Fattwins, although of course it's easy to say that without knowing all the shit that goes on
  12. I took an old 15" monitor to them and they gave me 5000 yen.
  13. That would suck big time, do many people rebel against it? Do they become social outcasts if they do?
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