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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by r45

  1. Place outside of Hokkaido is standing on top of Nozawa on a clear day.
  2. How comes we dont hear about these things on the news?
  3. More Japanese than non Japanese.
  4. I'd recommend you spend more and get a decent player with all the toppings. Then get your 5.1 surround sound speaker system and you're set.
  5. I think it is incredible lame for someone to suggest that naming their child a certain name is lame.
  6. I thought it had something to do with turkeys.
  7. Japanese newspapers. Well, trying at least.
  8. Don't have quite the same opportunities here in Hokkaidoland. There are benefits of being here though too!
  9. I really like tatami. But I don't like people in smelly socks walking on MY tatami.
  10. Mos Burger Rocks. Whats Lotteria like?
  11. For a long winter and a short cool summer.
  12. Yeah, but there's not that much action is there
  13. I'm a bit far off But it sounds like a good idea. Why haven't more people tried? I wonder if it was a success with the J crowd?
  14. April 26th my last fling of the season. Off to NZ for a week in August too! Then before you know it, will be the countdown to the next season here
  15. Yeah, I have often thought that too. Good one.
  16. I find too much self pride to be really ugly, don't like it. I suppose I am proud of myself to a certain extent. How do you guys think about this? I have just heard on a discussion people fighting over trying to be seen as the most proud citizen. It all seemed like a different world to me, and cringeworthy.
  17. More like,... Please, no, spare me, no, no, pleeease...
  18. Ko Samui, very nice. What kind of holiday are you thinking about?
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