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Everything posted by joshnii

  1. Niigata-ken seems to be going through a "gappei" boom (is that the right word - when towns/villages/cities get together to form a bigger one). What exactly are the benefits and implications of all this? I don't know the details but it just seems to be almost a scramble to either be in or out, with no-one, at least the Japanese I speak to, really knowing what the implications are.
  2. I know what you mean sanjo - loads in the station there..
  3. Here too. Hope tomorrow holds out as well, thats my day out that was planned.
  4. Tell us about him.... I heard it was just a vote in favor of the current good economy down there and the inexperience of any competitors....
  5. Only sometimes in official situations. With my friends no. I don't know if I can use them well or properly anyway.
  6. It sure is chilly today. And pissing down with rain as well.
  7. Heres some links http://www.kumagaya.or.jp/~mamada/idol/idol.htm
  8. Never seen any either. Made a new thread .
  9. ......Are there any? I cannot remember ever seeing one.
  10. That wouldn't be allowed in Ohio...at least 2 years back anyway - haven't kept up to date > Feb 4, 2002 - An Ohio lawmaker has proposed allowing state residents to brew and drink stronger beer. Ohio currently limits beer to 6% alcohol by weight, and Rep. Jim Trakas would boost that to 12%. Although some southern states limit beer to 6% alcohol (and Utah and Oklahoma only allow breweries to sell 3.2% abw beer except in state run stores), brewers in state surrounding Ohio do not operate under such strict definitions. Specialty breweries such as Great Lakes Brewing in C
  11. Still using mine from time to time - ie now. It's time it should be off.
  12. Perhaps you will do an online version as well?
  13. Yes, I think there maybe some disagreements there.
  14. I often look at the back of the books I'm reading and see those little forms helping us to buy more books by the same author at hopelessly expensive prices and "allowing 28 days for delivery". Do they still put them in some as a joke or what? Makes me laugh. Lazy Sunday.
  15. Hey I saw some of that on the web, it looks really good. You don't know dodgeball? they don't have that back in the uk then?
  16. Quote: Still sounds a lot easier than getting up to work in the city. ...and a whole lot more fun. I would never go back to working in a big city again, it's not for me.
  17. Taking a really long break does that to you. I once took a full 5 weeks off and getting back to work after all that was a killer. Just 2 weeks out though and I seem to be able to get back to normal much quicker. I know which I'd prefer though.
  18. Thanks. Any idea on what the timeline is for these dvd ones to become 3ccd?
  19. Whats shitty/laughable lyrics got to do with being "a slave to the greenback"?
  20. Ah, the mysterious Gideons society. Who are these people.
  21. It sucks big big time. I thought she used to be better than the usual jpop rabble?
  22. I'm in the market to buy a vidcam soon - had a look at that model last night in Ks Denki. Very small, looks really cool these dvd ones certainly are appealing., Got about 20 pamphlets that I'm looking over today. Such a hard choice.
  23. In a school near me, I'd say the girls are more into the games than the boys. It's true to say though that gaming is on a decline here in Japan though, right, really looks that way compared to a while back.
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