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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Karnidge

  1. Sounds like a silly idea to me. I think I'd feel a bit of a knob. No-one would think of me as "Japanese" anyway. I'm too gaijin for that.
  2. Originally Posted By: Curt There is talk that he tried to cock it up intentionally in order to get rid of Kan. Seriously? That dude is seriously wealthy. He might be silly too but surely he wasn't prepared to have pretty much everyone hate him just to get Kan out.
  3. Hiromo Go seems to miraculously be getting most plastic looking younger as time goes on. Amazing. Wonder how much all that costs.
  4. I just got an email promising lots of pictures of "Humungous bounching boobies". Just a bit worried it might be spam. What do you reckon?
  5. Just read back through this thread. Brings back some memories. That was one intense week or so from March 11th.
  6. Ahem, when will the Japanese PS Store get back friggin online?! I want my extra freebies!
  7. You can get up there via Miyagi out of snow season right? Love seeing volcanos and craters would like to get up there.
  8. One of those "decent for a day" places. When I went it was pretty busy on a weekend probably due to the day trip thing.
  9. Why don't you care about yourself and your wife?
  10. Never really given it much thought thinking it would be way more expensive than that.
  11. Love watching people being uber-dumbasses. Well, every so often anyways.
  12. I got a quote back to the UK and the taxes and add-ons were actually more expensive than the long-haul flight itself.
  13. Nope. Not interested either. I see the PS Store is not yet back online, when will that be back?
  14. If my office puts it up to 28 I am going to secretly change it back down to 26 when they are all in a meeting. Hopefully that won't be toooo noticeable and I can get away with it.
  15. Originally Posted By: pie-eater Here's what happens to perfectly normal females in Tokyo due to radiation Do many girls still do this? Can't say I have seen many myself of late.
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