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Mr Sensational

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Mr Sensational

  1. Quote: Ride the chairlift with that cute japanese mogul skier Oh so many of them. Do you mean the Olympic one, what's she called...? I could do riding with here
  2. You will probably find it difficult to get work unless you have contacts (the one biggest plus to have), your Japanese is real good or you're just lucky. That's the reality of the situation from what I've heard. Unfortunately.
  3. I cant understand what all the fuss and excitement over keitais is. someone explain it to me will you?
  4. Talking of McDs in another thread. My worst job - luckily just for a couple of months - was at Mcd
  5. Drunken karaoke on a Saturday night on the South beach at Blackpool in the height of summer, followed by a Karaoke night at the Palace nightclub. Best ever. And worst ever. Very blurred.
  6. I never have quite worked out the difference between H and sukebe. Are they basically the same way to saythe same thing?
  7. Theres a Mcdonalds on the slopes of Happone?? Where's that then?
  8. Has anyone ever seen bikini ski/board girls racing down the slopes in Japan at all? Just wondering if it happens here for promotions whatever.
  9. Easy to brush aside when you don't have to do it yourself.
  10. scouser, what is "Blissed Out"? I haven't heard of that one from the Beloved. The same band, from the UK right?
  11. Looks like we're all in the same boat then. Apart from cheeseman that it!
  12. Has any of you guys or gals seen yourself boarding or skiing on video? Last season as part of an informal lesson I was taking a video was shot of us. I was shocked at how less "kakkoi" I looked than I thought I did.
  13. A sexy rider. Have you ever seen a video of yourself riding? I was shocked when I saw how (bad) I looked.
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