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Everything posted by DumbStick

  1. Anyone else here love South Park? Makes me laugh
  2. They did talk about the football supporters when the World Cup was on.
  3. Me too. Never used anything else. (Not that I went out and CHOSE ever, you understand)
  4. Give them some space, if the work is suffering thats the time to talk about things..
  5. Ecstasy! Oh the memories. What's left of them.
  6. Agreed on that, had to chuckle reading parts of that article.
  7. Where they from then? (Not that I really care.....)
  8. Wine me dine me 69 me - never heard that one before
  9. About Euro 04 on Wowow - they haven't announced whether it will all be on the normal channel or the other 2 channels they have. Most likely it will be a mix, so you'll need Digital Wowow to get it all. I'm waiting to see how they do it before making a move.
  10. Give me another week too. Can't we delay the season a bit so everyone gets back into J routines?
  11. DOn't think about it, otherwise you'll never stay asleep. Chill out, warm milk before bed (!) and it should pass - its probably the weather anyway. Good luck
  12. What channel are the newer Simpsons on in Japan?
  13. Has anyone here ever tried Taekwando (or however its spelt). I think it has a high % of kicking involved. A friend of mine at college did it and loved it - he was really hard.
  14. Quote: the driving in vietnam will be sufficient for all you thrill seekers. Sounds like Thailand that.
  15. Season 3 on DVD soon for all our viewings pleasure
  16. Don't drink too much? I would have thought the opposite were true (if it was water...)
  17. You obviously did not read the specs of the machine then, hey?
  18. Way way too easy, crazily difficult to put the lid back on that one I'm afraid.
  19. OK ok ok. Is this phrase overused and/or used when it really really shouldn't? Like when someone tells me the local rice is "nihon ichi" (best in Japan), or the pickles that the farmer down the road makes is "nihon ichi"? I never know when something really IS nihon ichi or not?
  20. Hey db? Why don't you just read a book rather than snowboard next season? Much cheaper As for the PSP, sounds great. I'll be surely getting one to use when I've read all me books
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