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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by ug

  1. I find my time out of Japan on holiday / with family goes faster than when I'm here. Time goes faster when you're having fun.
  2. I find amazonjp to be erratic. Sometimes they're really fast, and sometimes it takes them a while after something is released to send it out which is annoying.
  3. Been noticing a few sigs on peoples posts, Yukis Passion on one I just read. Some of the more obscure ones - where they coming from then? Do tell!
  4. Exactly! It should be fun, in a twisted kinda way. Thanks.
  5. Does anybody know where I might be able to watch the us presidential debates online (for free, of course)?
  6. The movie looks like a laugh, knew nothing about this game before I came here.
  7. According to the Japanese, it seems a Japanese winning is a done deal. According to the Brits, it seems Radcliffe winning is a done deal. Perhaps a dead heat?
  8. I used to hate them but there are a few locally that I really like now. It took a while to get round to eating cold tempura like things and cold burgers, but there's on in particular that I actually look forward to now when the office gets them in.
  9. I read somewhere that Google was worth more than McDonalds. Do Google do anything other than search engine to get that completely massive?
  10. I read somewhere that Google was worth more than McDonalds. Do Google do anything other than search engine to get that completely massive?
  11. Yes come on. And whats the latest on Markie and his echi neko?
  12. I love watching the Olpmpics, great way to while away two weeks away from the heat.
  13. Yup was alright, nothing brilliant. Lots of reviews on amazon....
  14. Where can we get it to take a look?
  15. I have NO problems sleeping unless theres no aircon in summer - then BIG problems. Mine was broken for a short while in July and it was hell.
  16. So whats this get 2 pants thing anyway?
  17. I really thank the people who menitoned that cheap intl tel service a month or so back. I am now using it and it is really cheap!! Thanks! I want to know. Is there a similar thing that we can use for "within Japan" calls? Something cheaper than the rip off calls I make now? Cheers
  18. Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 2 Ambient chilled out sounds.
  19. I couldn't eat horse. I have been around them lots of my life and I think of them almost as people/family. Love 'em.
  20. My sister used to have a pony. It was a real cutey, really friendly. Last year I went horseriding in Scotland and it was an excellent experience. Fantastic beasts.
  21. I must admit, downloading sometimes is a pain - slow connections, waiting waiting, sometimes the wrong files. Hmm.
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