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Everything posted by nagoid

  1. I agree. Liam Neeson has been in a lot of crap movies ey.
  2. Yeah unfortunately I would warn anyone from visiting July-September. Worst bit of the year.
  3. This is good to hear, might encourage some people - including myself - to get around. Chunk of expressway in Nagano area will be free over summer! 中日本高速道路は、中央道全線開通30周年記念として、東京・名古屋両方面から長野県の中南信エリアまでの高速道路往復と、中南信エリア内の高速道路乗り放題がセットになった夏の定額プラン「速旅 信州(中南信)ハイウェイプラン」を販売している。  7、8月の観光シーズンに首都圏や中京圏から観光客を誘致し、中南信地域の活性化につなげることを目的に、中央道中津川インターチェンジ(IC)―小淵沢IC、岡谷ジャンクション(JCT)―豊科ICを乗り放題エリアとする。同社は「夏休みの旅行プランに活用し、快適な車の旅を楽しんでほしい」としている。  自動料金収受システム(ETC)搭載車(レンタカーも可)が対象。普通自動車の場合、事前に同社ホームページから申し込むと、東京方面からは6500円、名古屋方面からだと5500円で最大2日間、エリア内の高速道路の乗り降りが自由にできる。料金には両方面からの高速道路往復代も含まれる。  期間は来月1日から8月末まで。ただし、8月10日~19日までの混雑期間は対象外
  4. Participating: in a former life, tennis; bowling, skittles Following: football
  5. No laughing matter it seems - 2 people (and more bears) dead!
  6. That ain't look like fun to me ippy!
  7. Love the facepalms Never seen this series but after hearing about it here and seeing reviews on amazon it looks really interesting. Bought.
  8. Choose a bunch of those, make them into postcards and I'd buy them! Top work this season, muika. Otsukaresama.
  9. Well, er, no. He/she obviously does not want to do that. Otherwise they would have done that. They simply want something for nothing and are annoyed that they have can't. It's as simple as that.
  10. Perhaps for tax that was for the period you were still in Japan? Oops just re-read that. Scrap that one perhaps!
  11. Alien Almost forgot how good it was. Really looking forward to the related movie Ridley Scott is making now.
  12. I read that too and thought similar. It was like, we have some space we need to fill........
  13. Here we are http://www.snowjapanforums.com/index.php/topic/21260-nani-nani-no-hi/unread/
  14. Some better examples of 'nani-nani' no hi? Inspired by a conversation in another thread. Here's some to start off: Kare (curry) no hi Basu (bus) no hi
  15. Eric Cantona seeks support for shot at becoming next president of France Former Manchester United striker has sent out letter to mayors to try to gather 500 signatures needed to run in this year's vote
  16. I always celebrate half-birthdays on 6 months. Do you think that will wash?
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