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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by IIIII

  1. 4000? I wonder how many hours you've spend writing on here?
  2. Well, I seem to be completely outnumbered here. If my lady and I really didn't want kids, and we were doing our utmost to try to not get pregnant, but did because of a contraception failure - we would go get the abortion as soon as we knew. Already discussed it.
  3. There's none of that casual phoning up to go out for a drink? Beg to differ. I have 3 Japanese friends that I can do just that with, and often do.
  4. A good "cliffhanger" ending then is it?
  5. Can't be hurting just before the season down under right, Sf?
  6. Quote: Ummmm, don't read and don't post then. simple as that. Ummmm, I think that's what the man said he planned to do
  7. How well can you read Japanese then? Go on, make me jealous....
  8. It's a Japanese chocolate. I'll eat it very happily, but it can't be compared favorably to Cadburys.
  9. Cool dog! My family just got another golden labrador - can't wait to meet him in summer.
  10. Too sensitive? Obsessively paranoid sounds more accurate. But I agree, the main few people who do speak up on either side of this argument are never going to come close to agreeing. Time to talk about chocolate, or dogs, or grabia
  11. Nurofen works wonders with me. That should be in the worst hangover thread too.
  12. I am sure there is chicken on there too. Mr Cheeseman will be pleased.
  13. I had one of the premium macs yesterday, just to see what it was like. Quite nice actually.
  14. I hate the noise of the hard rain on the roof of my house.
  15. I was just about to post the same thing. Sounds like a very weak theory to me.
  16. I bet there are no "PorkJoy"s in the US.
  17. What exactly is mensa? A group for posh poofters who need to prove their intelligence?
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