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Everything posted by barok

  1. How many days you been out then Snowboard Freaky Deaky ? I myself was out last weekend picking up the last remnants of snow at Shiga Kogen.
  2. Caaaaaaaaaldina ! ! That`s a Toyota Caldina - 120K, 1.5 Years Shaken, excellent condition, all for the low low price of 120,000 Yen, yahoo. Back in the States I have a Electric Blue Civic SI - love it, so I didn`t sell it. I love cars.
  3. used to ski, my friends started to snowboard, I thought it looked more fun, and when I tried it, I never went back.
  4. Happo-shu to me doesn`t even resemble beer, It`s disgusting. I don`t know what the hell it is, but it doesn`t taste like anything but a chemical mess in my mouth, wouldn`t clean my toilet with it.
  5. Wanted to stay away from this nasty bag, but I gotta say, girl here at work had a baby girl - named her Hana - "boring" was the first thing that came to mind, although I didn`t say it. But there comes a point in a big city, where you have alot of half-Japanese children being born, and if all of them are Ken and Hana, it will cause a problem. If I was a half-Japanese kid named Ken or Hana, in school with three other half-Japanese Ken's or Hana's, I would draw the connection, and I would be pretty pissed at mom and dad.
  6. A vaccine can be a cure - some vaccines are effective after a person becomes infected (rabies for example). Other vaccines are only effective if administered beforehand, due to a variety of reasons - smallpox will kill you too quickly for a vaccine to do any good. As for the accuracy of these figures - I wonder where they came from as well, as Kansai time out, sounds like a weekly or monthly ad reader type of deal, am I wrong ? In any case, it is not a respected medical journal. The way these stats are presented, it looks like these numbers are reported cases and not projecte
  7. I'm sure theOrange is in custody by now. . . I always new that guy was rotten. . . Never trusted him for a second, and with tales of jogging without a passport, well that just confirms my suspicions. I saw his post on the baby names thread, I wonder why he has left off on this topic ? ? ?
  8. people that would take this vaccine would already have the disease and thus doctors would have no trouble recruiting subjects. I would like to point out that the HIV statistics are are probably wildly innaccurate, as routine HIV testing is not done, most folks don`t go in for testing, and as doctors often advise AGAINST testing. Sexual education here, as in most areas of the world, is lacking.
  9. awwww c`mon Mista S, give up the details, yo.
  10. Do you have any pictures, cheesewoman ? The cheeselovers here are all dying to know the real deal behind the cheesepeople or at least what you all look like. So yeah, pics and stories please! How did you meet ? Do you really love cheese THAT much ? why are you in Japan ? It isn`t the cheesiest place in the world you know. As for me, I don`t eat or drink dairy products, so that rules out cheese.
  11. Incredible Hulk comes out June 20 in the US, but I don`t know about what that means for Japan. I really like (director) Ang Lee`s stuff, but I am not sure about the CGI hulk myself, I mean he`s huge - A smaller version would be more believeable, I guess. Haven`t read any early reviews either. Yay! I hit 700 posts. Been lagging as of late, as there are about a million people here now with 1000+
  12. The Incredible Hulk - you wouldn`t like me when I`m angry. The Jeffersons Threes Company The Facts of Life Hawaii Five-O - was good, although I didn`t get to see it that often. Hill Street Blues - I still watch re-runs when I can find them And I used to love that show where Michael Landon was an Angel, and would rock around and help people. Forget the name though. And yeah, Chips, Night Rider, the A-Team, and MacGyver are classic.
  13. Here's one I have never really been able to wrap my head around. Guys - do you leave the seat up or do you put it down after a whizz ? Women - does it make you angry when you find a toilet seat up ? Why ? What does it all mean, is it just a matter of politeness, or is there something else at work here ? Why am I so bored that I have to ask these kinds of questions in cyberspace on a Saturday night ?
  14. This whole cheese drama kills me - whooda thunk that we`d have cheesepeople arguing on a Message board for Skiing and Snowboarding in Japan.
  15. yeah, they actually have it on CNN back in the States as well. They used to have a different host - Greg Kinnear, I think, but Stewart is way better.
  16. Don`t listen to Dane and Fattwins, I Live to Ski, those guys are delusional. - first off, they are really snowboarders disguised as skiers, hell bent on powder, park riding, building jumps, and causing trouble on the hill - things that no respectable skier would be into. - second, Takasu is crap, went there once, and I`ll never go back, straight up truth. there is nothing for you there. it`s like a 100 meter bunny hill, with way too many Nagoyers. avoid it at all costs.
  17. I think it is all perty interesting myself. Question 3 was too ambiguous, so I personally don`t think all that much can be discerned from the answers. I find it interesting that the married and engaged folks make up such a large percentage of the polled. I also like the way the results of question 1 and question 4 bell out around my expected medians. (Somehow reassuring). I think that it is worth noting that a previous age poll showed the greatest percentage of polled people to be 20-24 years old, so maybe that accounts for what zwelgen thinks are low numbers, but I don`
  18. She`s my Cherrie Pie, Cool Drink`a water such a sweet surprise. Tastes so good make a grown man cry, SWEET CHERRY PIE ! !" Yeah! ! Those lyrics courtesy of everyone`s favorite hair-metal band - Warrant
  19. I am hearing alot of echoes here about what goes on in my head before going off a kicker - I take a few deep breaths, visualize the jump and the spin, and maybe the landing. I say to myself, "oh you`ve got this no problem-o." But I am usually still pretty nervous at this point, so yeah, I also visualize crashing, and tell myself that I have lived through a hundred crashes off of kickers and the worst I`ll get is a broken this or that. It is usually springtime, before I am going off the big kickers, so I rationalize it by saying that I don`t care if my season ends right now.
  20. When things don`t quite go my way, I get crazy homesick. Ahh to be back in the States, where things are easy and make sense.
  21. I drink conbini beer almost every night, usually the equiv of 2 or 3 beers. gawd, I'm a sad sack - conbini beers in my apart - what am I doing here ?
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