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Recently heard a theory which said that you should have a room where the only thing you do in there is sleep. Then your body gets to associate that room with sleep and automatically prepares for it as you enter. (this theory also suggests you have a room just for sex too.........) Do you spend a lot of time in your bedroom? Play video games etc?


Otherwise reading always makes me tired, or not too hetic music on very low stops my mind from thinking about those silly things that keep you awake.


Of course no alcohol, caffine etc.


And getting into a sleeping routine, same time to bed and up etc. ;\)


Sleep well.

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If I can't sleep I get up and write in my journal until I start to feel tired. Writing tends to relax my mind and I can nearly always fall to sleep easily afterwards. Playing a hand drum works too, though in the middle of the nite you have to hit the rim and not the skin to keep the volume way down. Once I couldn't sleep cos I had a bad headache so I get up and tidied up the apartment. At least if I couldn't sleep I was being productive....

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ive been having trouble sleeping in my room in residence recently, and ive figured its because there are so many distractions (computer, tv, sirens, city noises etc) it seems that every time i go to bed i feel as if there is something else i should be doing instead.


there's not much i can do in terms of designating my room to only sleeping.

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My body clock is all screwed up right now after spending 2 weeks home in NY adjusting to the time there, and then returning to tokyo. Spent this past week shuffling around like a corpse passing out at 9 and waking up at 5am. Friday night, passed out shortly after midnight, and woke up at 7:30... saturday night!! I coulnt believe it! I think I slept for like 17 hours. Im crap when it comes to jetlag... just cant seem to get over it well...

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I usually have no trouble sleeping, I just don't get enough of it. I usually read before sleeping and it usually puts me to sleep within 20 minutes of so.

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I can't read...i end up just reading into the wee hours wanting to see what happens next....get gritty eyes and prob even less sleep.


stroke...ahhh... i mean stoke.... :p

Designating a specific room for only sleep sounds like a good idea. impractical but a good idea none the less.


I have on a few occasions resorted to drinking wine - but end up waking up feeling like poos.


so still ain't sleepin. :rolleyes:


anybody have any tips on how to dream more?? (for future ref 4 once i finally get some sleep)

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How about this page, "Horlicks and Sleep":





It may be the unique combination of wholesome ingredients - the malted barley, wheat or dairy ingredients in Horlicks that aids sleep.


Certainly we do know that drinking Horlicks has a beneficial effect as we have shown with scientific research that Horlicks has a positive effect on sleep quantity and quality.


There is no single centre in the brain responsible for sending us off to sleep - many brain chemicals are believed to be involved in the process - so the exact secret of how Horlicks works is still being researched by scientists.


What we do know however, is that drinking a mug of Horlicks is an excellent way to help and unwind and one of the most enjoyable ways of helping yourself off to sleep.

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Naa mate not the chemists. Its just like Ovaltine, you buy it off the shelf in the supermarket. Next to the hot chocolate. Not medicated.


B.W. - not surprised the adults had no clue. I can`t imagine any situation where the big H and sex might be equated. You have imagination. I tip my hat cool.gif

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