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I'd like to know what men think of women show their shoulder strap of bra in summer. I don't care about it but my friends tell me I have to be carefull when I wear shoulder straps shirt and should wear strapless bra which I don't like... \:\(

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BS, you need to take a trip to Texas and let the women their represent the US, more specifically let the very attractive women represent the US lol.gif


By the way, what part of Europe are they talking about, cause I've seen alot of British women who need some mouth work. Perhaps thats why the picture doesnt show her face.

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I would seriously pay to screw the fat one on the right. Honest i would, just so that I could say that I have done something that no one else ever has. I am indeed a trail blazer.


At the risk of talking the usual shit that I am guilty of recently; I am every time stunned at the quality of women in the parts of Europe that I visit. On the weekend was near the French Med coast and the Spanish boarder. Sweet jesus love a duck! Oh man! It isn’t just the way they look but also the way they move. Every day I tell myself that I am up to the challenge and by god I will win!


I do not count the UK as part of Europe so the quality scale in Europe proper maintains a high average. Poor UK chicks, some are ok... but not very many. ditto Australian girls (they look good but are getting fat and were always as dumb and hung up as hell). I on the other hand am obviously a perfect male.....

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Sir DB continues to impress me with his superhuman powers. I'm sure I wouldn't be capable of such a feat no matter how much I was paid, let alone paying for it. Not that I'm not willing...just not as able as Sir DB. That's because my poor friend Dick has a mind of his own. Different heads, different minds. And he told me there is no way he's going to stand at attention if I intend to stick him into somewhere he doesn't want to go. That's that, not negotiable.

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