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Anyone else really looking forward to Doom 3. Not long now. I remember the first time I played the original, wow. Have high hopes.


That and Halo 2 later in the year.

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I still play Ultimate Doom, often with H11. I operate the moving keys and H11 fires the weapons. He gets annoyed when I shout "Ferchrissakes, shoot! SHOOT!" and "Damn, stop shooting at nothing!" But a boy needs to learn good fire control. At bathtime, H11 does a good impression of a revenant smacking somebody about, and that ghastly creature that revives everything that you just killed at great cost.


Doom 3 looks insane, and reviews suggest that it is very intense and requires more tactical skill to play than earlier versions. From the look of the screenshots, the 23 hours or so needed to complete the game will truly be a richly life-affirming time.



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When they say "it takes 23 hours to complete the game" - is that for an "expert" who can run through it straight away? I'm sure it mustnt applicable to me who would probably take 23 months to complete it.

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yeah Im guessing its an estimate for the hard core gamers who play these types of games constantly, not for the casual game player.

so whats everyones video card here?

I have a plain ol Geforce 3....way too slow for top of the line 3d games now \:\( . maybe I can "accidently" do something to it that will convince the missus to let me buy a new one \:\) hehehehe

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rach, that's 23 hours for somebody who makes lavishly informative websites about Doom, so you can assume that they're pretty good. Apparently that's on the middle difficulty setting. I reckon it would take me a week or more. Have you played Doom?


I love it when you can get the beasties to fight each other. Those snarling pink muthers look great from the side chewing away at one of the big red flying faces. Grrrrr! GRRRRrrr!

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Definately a good looking game! Splinter Cell PT for XBOX is quite a game, if you like sneaking around in the shadows with nightvision, sniping etc etc, then I suggest it. Didn't like this sort of game before but this one is so lifelike it got me hooked! clap.gif

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BUild your own!!! thats what I did and it isnt so difficult at all. even for a beginner like me. Think of it as a really expensive lego set. just plug in the parts and cables, hook up the power and there you go.


The best thing is its much cheaper than an off-the-shelf Dell or other brand computer.

if ya need advice gimme a yell

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Originally posted by Ocean11:
I still play Ultimate Doom, often with H11. I operate the moving keys and H11 fires the weapons. He gets annoyed when I shout "Ferchrissakes, shoot! SHOOT!" and "Damn, stop shooting at nothing!"
I am sure if we asked H11 for his side of this story it would be along the lines of " well I would shoot at something if you learned to control the doom man and point in the direction of the monsters, you silly old git!" ;\)
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Yes, mostly. Unless it is really bad. Some actually have a decent story line to them. And there is always the joy of beating the end boss/last level. Good sense of acheivement.

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ehhh!!!! I refuse to use walkthroughs and cheats. they destroy any value or sense of achievement I get when/if I can finish. I usually leave games incomplete not because of the difficulty of it but rather becoming bored or finding something more interesting to do (such as a new game)

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I usually play most games 1st on "Normal" setting and I havent had any problems in completing any game on normal. Then I go through it again on "Difficult" if I liked the game. Cheating is not an option for me. Why waste soo much money in buying a game if you're just gonna cheat your way through?

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