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In my experience If you find somewere good you keep your mouth shut In that way the lift queues stay short,You get a drink at the bar quick,And if there is any talent to be had you are at the front of the que

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  • SnowJapan Admin
Originally posted by HoTRoD:

the difference in attitude at some of the other main ski towns is huge
Would be really interested to know more \:\)
Well, as I said don't feel it is appropriate to go into any details here. But after meeting a lot of different resorts, tourist associations and the like, I have noticed a lot of different attitudes towards the non-Japanese market.... often similar ideas going through the area as a whole - whether they know what to do about it or not.

The fact is that some places are just simply not at all interested in doing anything to appeal to that market. While some are extremely interested and trying to put ideas together to do that. As Snow Japan, we're doing what we can to try and work with some of these people to help bring info to people.
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I just wish Japanese towns were prettier and had the whole ski village vibe thing going on. The places I have been to are just almost totally devoid of that - and just simply ugly to boot. Aren't they embarassed at the total lack of visible results of all their "machi zukuri" talk.


I couldn't even find a bar in Shiga Kogen.

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As part of our machizukuri, town (Minakami) near me has lots of signs up that say we are against nuclear weapons. Very useful that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The place where they had the Olympic halfpipe is closing at the end of next season.


Its a tiny resort called Kanbayashi. Its right next to the snow monkey onsen, not far from Shiga Kogen. The article says their estimated yearly income to November this year (I think Japanese companies can choose their year end) is a mere 13.7 million yen. How many staff does that cover, to say nothing of their other costs? We are talking massive loss.






Too small to be interesting perhaps, but the Olympic effect hasn't saved them.

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I see Suzuran Kogen in Gifu closing as well


営業休止を決定 岐阜・高山のすずらん高原スキ 540;場


 利用者の減少などで赤字続きの岐阜県高山市朝 085;町西洞、すずらん高原スキー場が今冬以降の営業 を休止することになった。東海ラジオ放送が10A 296;%出資する運営会社「御嶽鈴蘭(すずらん)高原 観光開発」(名古屋市東区東桜、梅枝一弘社長) 364;決めた。冬季国体の会場にもなった同スキー場が 姿を消すことに、スキー関係者から残念がる声が 978;がっている。


 同スキー場は、ピーク時には年間約23万人の 033;用者があったが、全国的なスキー客離れに加え、 高速道路から離れている立地条件の悪さなどから 425;第に減少。2005年度は、全盛期の約15%の 約3万5000人まで落ち込んだ。累積赤字は数 740;円に上るという。


 同観光開発は、すずらん高原で、スキー場のほ 363;ゴルフ場経営と別荘地の販売・管理などの事業も 手掛けているが、ゴルフ場や別荘地は従来通り営 989;を続ける。梅枝社長は「スキー場を何とか存続さ せようと努力を続けたが、状況は好転しなかった 290;このままでは他事業に悪影響を及ぼしかねないと 判断し、休止を決定した」と話している。


 スキー場内にある県内唯一のジャンプ台(高山 066;所有)の利用や、昨年度から2009年度まで開 催が予定されている「全国高校選抜スキー競技会 494;ルディック部門」について、梅枝社長は「できる 範囲で協力させていただきたい」としている。


 同スキー場の休止に、岐阜県スキー連盟の中村 904;会長(67)は「今季も、選手の育成や大会など の活用を計画していた重要なスキー場。なんとか 384;続してもらいたいのだが」と話している。


 ≪すずらん高原スキー場≫ 1969年に営業ӛ 4;開始。ゲレンデは御岳などが眺望できる標高12 65301;0-1475メートルにあり、4基のリフトをࠏ 3;え、初心者から上級者までレベルに応じて7本の 12467;ースが設定されている。1996年の第51回ࢲ 9;民体育大会冬季大会スキー競技会(ぎふスズラン 22269;体)の会場にもなった。

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Suzuran Kogen ski facility was closed.

> abstract:

> Mitake Suzuran Kogen Kanko Kaihatsu, Gifu-ken announced they

> will stop ski resort operation next winter season.

> The visitors number was 230,000 at the peak, but was decreased

> to 35,000 in 2005/2006 season. MSKKK continues to run golf

> recreation and vacation house business.


The ski gelande map shows smaller....


The location is too remote....



I am sorry to say that this kind smaller ski resorts may have to be closed.


Ski/snowboard sports is neither longer a falgship nor a front tractor. Consumers want to buy "various" products and services in a recreational trip. You may see a big zone of brand outlet shops in Karuizawa which was originally developed as a summer house region. Machi-zukuri (orgnizing town shops & service) is very important. Japan "pension" accomodation serves the dinner, which might be an obstcle to figure mchi-zukuri fine. When staying at North America B&Bs or motels, customers have to go out to the street for finding a restaurant. After the dinner, they may have much chance to go to bars. Don't forget the dinner is a big recreation and enjoyment in a trip.

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I've never skied at Suzuran but it is a local resort for my town. Suzuran is inbetween Norikura and Ontake. So it probably didn't get very much snow.


I've only seen it once in the fall I think and wasn't impressed. Same with most of these little resorts. No thought was put into them. They were just thrown up for people to ski at while they stayed at a onsen hotel


Maybe some of the people that went to that little shit hole will go to the bigger and better resorts in Hida like Nagareha and Hoonoki. They look like they could use the business.

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I rode the Kanbayashi pipe 2 days after the Olympic event and it was pretty nice. but the Blackcomb pipe is better thumbsup.gif

There is seriously nothing else whatsoever at that resort though. So while the pipe scene was super hot it could keep going, but now pipes are slowly disappearing. ie Happo gave up on their pipe. So it's not surprising that Kanbayashi is closing.

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