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About Rag-Doll

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    SJ'er with 1000+ posts
  1. Does Nagano airport take international flights? If it doesn't, the local resort towns should be pushing hard for it. It would open up a whole new market of weekend trips residents in China's coastal cities. In the right circumstances super cheap airline tickets subsidised by landing fee rebates from the Nagano airport would make it very appealing.
  2. It will be interesting to see how the whole thing plays out and how the resorts change. Chinese NY is already crazy in Niseko, I bet the prices will double next year.
  3. Even the HK Chinese have an issue with the way mainland Chinese carry on.
  4. It wasn't so long ago that people were bitching about the invasion of previously peaceful (albiet backward) Japanese ski fields by crass cashed-up aussie tourists. That was nothing compared to what is coming down the line.... Are we going to see another property boom in the high profile resorts? Quote: NEW wave of Chinese visitors to Japan is expected after the Japanese government relaxes visa rules today. This will make a further 16 million households in China eligible for tourist visas. The change will allow middle-class Chinese to visit Japan, which will boost the count
  5. Not sure - the rental guy was more concerned about explaining to me that even though it was mid afternoon I was going to have to pay for the full afternoon and that if the board was excessively damaged I would up for the cost of repairs/replacement! The guys in the demo store seemed pretty causal so, maybe they'd let you trial a few boards, though they might be a bit jack of acting as your pit crew. For those with the dosh the boards seem a good buy. I think Mamabear's husband did a gemtem demo and bought one - is that right Mamabear? A mate who lives in Niskeo has had one for a few yea
  6. Y3,000 for the full day and Y1,500 - I think. Check out their website, the bamboo boards are great, the color schemes on the others are a bit blah but, who cares?
  7. Muika - you walk in with your board, point to board that floats your boat and for a very modest fee they swap your bindings over and you're out the door with an awesome board. They have a lot of their range lined up ready to go. I had a go on the 189cm Impossible for an afternoon when the wax job on my board packed it in. Fantastic board - sonic boom fast and super stable. I didn't get to try it in the deep though but it would have been a dream ride. If a board like that wasn't a bitch to travel with (and a bit pricey - $2,000)) I would have bought it there and then.
  8. After years of saying the ugly Aussie in Niseko is a beat-up (5 yrs and never a sign of trouble), last week I actually saw the after effects of an ugly Auggie get beaten up in Niseko. Lots of blood, one bloke with his arm in a sling and holding bandage to his face, a police car, gaijin police liasion in attendance - the whole box and dice...and hardly anyone turned their head, most stayed in the (rather smelly) beer tent drinking. I was told by a guy probably in the know that some girl glassed the bloke. Oi Oi Oi, indeed.......
  9. Thanks guys. I'm up there in two weeks, no doubt by then there will be quite a crowd gathering for each session.
  10. Realy interesting read Dyna, thanks. Were you required to demonstrate your ability level or did they just take you on face value? Also, why are the number of participants so low? I would thought people would be queing up for a go at something a bit different.
  11. Originally Posted By: Mamabear Originally Posted By: thursday Originally Posted By: Creek Boy Id say CNY Ski - I had to cue for 10-20 mins for the gondola at Niseko and Rusutsu occasionally around Xmas/NYs, but typically once you get up you didnt have to wait more than a few chairs worth. New ywars. Lots of people crowded around the Ace quad. At least a 20 minute wait. Interesting. Previously we have stayed at the Gondola Chalets - so pretty darn close to the lifts and we could look at the queues and choose whether we wanted to wait for the Gondola, do a quick run or three whi
  12. Originally Posted By: SKI Quote: The only people doing any attacking on SJ anymore are the ones attacking Hakuba, why I have no idea. This wasn't about Hakuba and I can't see anyone 'attacking Hakuba'. But apart from that, even if there were, they might feel justified considering the huge volume of ridiculous self-right⋅eous tiresome bullshit spewed out and 'Niseko attacks' in the past. Actually Ski, in my first post I had a go at the H-boys. The offline response I got was pretty savage.
  13. This is like the good old days, back before SJ became a tourist advisory service. CB I think GN's response pretty well hit the mark, but if that isn't clear enough, didn't somebody else describe it as slack country with training wheels....I think that more than proves my point. You're being an old woman.
  14. That's all good Mama but I reckon there is a tendancy to overplay the risk, compared to many other sports where the risk is equally present. We don't restrict poor swimmers from going into the ocean. Sure we have swim between the flags (which can be more dangerous due to crowding than not) but these guys who claim they always ride with avie gear and won't ride with anyone unless they too carry avie gear and know this and do, blah blah blah. How much shark repellant and emergency gear do they carry when surfing? Do they carry an EPIRB when doing a bit of body surfing at the local beach, you kno
  15. Originally Posted By: Creek Boy I didnt ride the peak last year - not after the circus I saw. Skiers and snowboarders would hike 2/3 of the way up, see people dropping in from the peak, and start ski cutting all the way over from (I think its) 藤原ã®æ²¢ã€€Fujiwara no sawa - watching them youd think they were cutting all the way towards Jacksons Whether you are the 1st skier, or the 20th, you can trigger an avie, and watching all those clowns going down the way they did really made me question whether they know anything about snow safety; it kept me from wanting to ride there. If you
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