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Originally Posted By: Tubby Beaver
if not Muika, bring that beer down to Fujisawa in kanagawa and I'll gladly accept it biggrin

Via Yokohama first...

Oh and we HAVE to do the tour next season. wink
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Omedeto gozaimasu.

Hope you enjoy the new place and that Niigata doesn't get any more shakes too. We have all had enough of those in north/east Japan now.

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  • SnowJapan Admin

Actually been able to recover some of the time lapse videos that were on the webcam computer that fell off the table and broke. I'll try to put some of those up soon, find the interesting ones.

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Settled down now?


I'm thinking about moving. One of the things that is holding me back is the thought of having to pack up, clean and actually do the move!


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Yeah, but the upside is that you have packed (and chucked out loads of Sh*t that you've accumulated) cleaned (and founds a new clean place to move to) and have a new outlook on life.


Sounds like a great idea to me - at least once every century one should move!!! wink

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  • SnowJapan Admin

Yes settling in thanks.


The new environment is great, a change is indeed good. I wasnt around for clearing out most stuff but Mr SJ1 reckons that well over 75% of 'stuff' was got rid of...... streamlined!!



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Me, I've moved a total of 7 times in the past 40 years - so I'm a great one to talk about the benefits of moving, hey?


My current home is my second last move - the next move will be to a retirement home/nursing home when I am unable to continue to manage the current place, with 300 tree olive grove and oil press. That will be final move!


Anyone interested in retiring to an Aussie Olive Grove?? wink

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  • SnowJapan Admin

I am so glad we did this, just wish the decision had been made before now.


Found some very interesting things in the clearout. The best had to be an old Gateway laptop, complete with Windows 95.... and also the original incarnation of this website from back in 1999. That brought back a whole lot of memories. Pause for thought as well actually, which is always a good thing to do every now and again. I remember first making that original site and the reasons for doing it. As much as things have got bigger and more complex in many ways over the years, the basic idea and goal remains the same. I like that.



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