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Everything posted by warhawk

  1. Originally Posted By: IIIII Does that thing just go round schools and public places for people to try out? I believe so, but I doubt this one goes to large (800+ students) schools unless they are happy to camp out for the week. My school only has about 70 kids and it took 2 periods for everyone to have a go. I guess there must be larger versions that cater to larger venues. Someone was telling me there was one set up outside the local Jusco shopping centre over the weekend. My first earthquake experience was interesting, I was asleep and for some reason i found myself on a boat feelin
  2. Working in a school in Japan gives you many opportunities to see and do things you might not have a chance to back home. Today I got to try the 地震体験 or "Earthquake experience" here at school. Basically it is a large truck with a generator and a big hydraulic system connected to a makeshift room with a table and four chairs and a big plasma TV. On the TV, depending on the simulated quake, is a CG living room, or street. The hydraulics are strong enough to really throw the room around. The kids enjoyed themselves. Some were a bit rattled and there was only one case of tears. I was in a simulatio
  3. 511,297 pts Level: 12 A bit of advice, do this with a clean mouse pad / surface. Some of those places can be tricky with a bumpy surface.
  4. Originally Posted By: Journey Man Originally Posted By: warhawk I'm a biker, so manual for me! Didn't Honda to an automatic LeadWing? That IS a car. They just forgot to put the other 2 wheels on.
  5. Wikipedia has an article on "hoon" - The term "Hoon" was first used in Australia at the turn of the 20th century where it referred to a man living off immoral earnings (i.e. a pimp). The origin of its current usage is currently unknown but is widely believed to be a shortened form of "hooligan" . In more recent times it has been used to describe any young male or female who drives in a manner which is anti-social towards the standards of modern day society. Generally, a hoon is any person who drives any vehicle dangerously and/or fast. Did that help, 69?
  6. I got a cold and stomach weirdness twice in as many months. Working with kids can be hazardous! I'm now a proponent of wearing surgical masks at school!
  7. A weekend at Washigatake, Gifu had me waiting 5-10 mins on the quad (and that was the singles queue) and 10-15 on the pairs everywhere else. Weekdays anywhere in Japan are usually awesome. Pity theres no chance for me to hit up a weekday ride
  8. I will be buying a Blu-ray/HDDVD drive for my PC soon. Last time I checked they were about 5 - 6 man yen. They burn the discs too which is handy. wouldn't buy a stand-alone player as my PC monitor is big enough to warrant playing movies on with decent clarity.
  9. Speaking of kanji, I bought a year 2 level kanji drill book. Can't wait to get into that. Let's learning Kanji!
  10. Dude thats teh sux! Hope you recover quickly! Oh yeah you might wanna make your crash story more elaborate for your mates back home.
  11. I'm not going anymore. I'm sick. Kids suck. Cos they like to sneeze on you. Hope you well people have fun!
  12. Yep, the truth is out there, somewhere.
  13. Mamabear, hope you're ok! Pricks like these are what gives us Aussies a bad name. (that and mullets!) But thankfully there are also sensible ones like you! Hope you can finish off your ski-trip on a high note tomorrow.
  14. Now theres a young lad who could do with some fresh air.
  15. Awesome, quattro! Its great seeing lil rippers out there shredding. Wish I got a photo of this 8 year old backing it in over a jump at Washigatake. Blew my mind.
  16. Its been a white, fluffy day in Nagano's chubu area. I'll be interested to see how much of the 4inch deep path i made to my door yesterday will be filled in by the time I get home tonight!
  17. It looks really dated, considering it started in 87 or something! hehe BoC, got the X-Files. Up to the final part now.
  18. Did an incredibly nerdy thing on the weekend and ordered the Star Trek Original Series and Next Generation Complete sets off the internet. Total paid: US$210 legit versions too. Nerdfest ahoy! Next will be Stargate SG-1 and M*A*S*H
  19. My girlfriends folks are both rippers! I can't believe how lucky I've been.
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