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Everything posted by bettyx

  1. team america, f**k yeah. i laughed much more than i should have during that film. i liked the puppetry very much. hopefully going to see king kong this weekend. am interested to see what a slimmed-down peter jackson has coughed up this time.
  2. nicole: read the book. it's great. as is 'middlesex' by the same author.
  3. happo & goryu are both great. for the kids, sakka is maybe wider , whereas i found goryu can get a bit crowded on the easier slopes? either way you'll have a great time. why don't you try a day at goryu and a day at happo?
  4. ok, maybe it's been too long since i've spoken english but i have no idea what you just said...
  5. after a week of requests to teach christmas at four different schools, on friday the school told me i wasn't allowed to mention the 'c' word. (no, not that one) they said that christmas is too christian and japan was not a christian society so i wasn't to mention it in class. and i said, okay, how about if i focus on the gift-giving, christmas tree side of things, and don't mention the religious aspect? (my catholic mother would have been real proud of me). & i produced a series of origami christmas trees & cards i'd made at the other schools. the teachers totally gange
  6. oh c'mon, i like the ungirls guys. they're cute. they do that ema-c ad , & i think they're the voices on the new macca's ad .. & it takes quite a man to pull off a bowlcut i also like mino. if you knew eddie macguire (host of the aussie millionaire), you'd probably like mino too. i don't like the guy who does that show with about 20 girls sitting talking, & he holds a funny microphone/baton thing.. he yells a lot.
  7. wow, thanks for the help. now how do i go about faking my death? do like olivia newton-john's boyf & just fall off the planet?(i'm sure gaijin must do this all the time, but how?) any warnings about leopalace? um.. the kitchen is non-existent. i've got one hot plate & a sink with a tiny shelf above it. you can definitely find somewhere bigger/cheaper elsewhere, but it was nice not having to buy a fridge/tv/microwave/washingmachine/heater/bed/table. there is nowhere for storage. otherwise it's nice, small & warm. can't complain really.. except for the 3month notice b
  8. oh crap.. just dug out my contract & it says i've gotta give 90 days notice to move out, or must pay the remainder. anyone know how to get around this??!!
  9. help! i'm currently living in a leopalace & think i'd like to move out. i've heard it's really expensive to move out. does anyone know what i need to do, how much notice i need to give, what i've gotta pay etc? thanks~
  10. Quote: Originally posted by grungy-gonads: I know what you're saying BofC. Living in Japan and seeing all the modestly (and very nicely) proportioned ladies here, seeing those thunderthighs is a bit of a shock. Some people like that you know. ouch. i'm hoping that i can somehow fall into the 'ladies here' category, purely for the fact that i'm here & i'm a lady? (first time i've referred to myself as a lady ever!!)
  11. Quote: Originally posted by Markie: I tried out both the Level 3 and Level 4 yesterday, just to check out my standard and, funny thing I noticed: there we 2 questions in each section, giving a total of six, which were identical in both Level 3 and 4. I wonder if there we any identical questions in 1 and 2 or 2 and 3 as well. how did you do two levels ? they were so strict about checking photos etc. & yes, i also thought it was all long passages. hopefully i got some of them right as that's where i spent all my time, by the time i got to grammar it was too late & i had zero en
  12. the instructions on the booklet (do not open before the test begins, etc) are in japanese & english. & there was sign on the wall with a pic of a mobile phone & 'NO!' written above it. my impression of the test: 1)despite the above rule (do not open the booklet before the test begins or you will be given a yellow card, two strikes & you're out), the girl sitting next to me read through her booklet before the beginning of each THREE sections. this really annoyed me (even though i'm generally a stick-it-to-the-man kinda gal) as i thought it was not only disrespecting th
  13. Quote: Originally posted by 2pints,mate: You get used to shoddy shit here, unfortunately. this coming from a guy drinking two pints through his nostrils!
  14. you're kidding, right?! i didn't study either but i spent 7000yen on the test so i thought i'd better take it. plus now that's it's over i feel FANTASTIC. (probably like you did whilst on the snow!!) one problem though, mid-way through the listening section, i glanced outside & noticed it was SNOWING!! then i heard '..deshou ka?' & realized i'd totally missed the question. whoops! but worth it just for the thrill i got from watching the snow fall
  15. hahaha. don't tempt me. this is already the hundredth time i've come online to check the weather reports!
  16. ok, but can we call it an underarm? it doesn't sound so primitive.
  17. oh my god, i almost vomited on my keyboard. how the hell do these people get published?! despite all of the trash they wrote, somehow 'armpit&mouth' struck me as the most unsexy bit. i always associate armpits with 'sweaty'..
  18. yeah but i can never get the damn shrink wrap off. & then when i finally do, i've gotta deal with the seal at the top of the case.. aah give me good value anyday!
  19. so how long until someone drops a mastercard ad-style 'every day spent riding the freshest powder in all of japan: priceless' remark?
  20. wowser. that is perhaps the ugliest male model i've ever seen.
  21. Quote: Originally posted by yamayamayama: Quote: teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks ...unless it's your L-plates parents, in which case they will never shut up with the questions and get annoyed with YOU when they don't understand! so true. i don't think that's a letterman top 10.. his number 2 is almost always funnier than number 1, and i'm not so sure about this one.
  22. ha. my mother would spit on yr racialist remark & give you a clip behind the ears for putting towels in with clothing.
  23. i borrowed the tale of genji from my school a little while ago. it's currently being used as a doorstop (it's a brick!) but i hope to crack the spine sometime over winter. has ANYONE read the whole thing? (& i don't mean just on this forum, but in general? or is it like the japanese war&peace?)
  24. Quote: Originally posted by number9: . And rental skates are invariably crappy, unfortunately. ha! so are my skating skills!
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