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A lawyer

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by A lawyer

  1. Time Machine gets my vote. And a Time Stretcher. Time always goes too quickly when you're having fun. Time-related goods generally
  2. I'm getting rather tired of the hear and stickiness myself, starting to get me really tired.
  3. Where I am I could have a dog, and I would love to, but it just wouldn't be fair on the dog with the hours I work and would have to leave the poor fella. One day, one day...
  4. Got sent the first one and wasn't impressed. It seemed really slow and, boring even. Not too many laughs. Much more subtle than Office.
  5. I am Noriko-sensei. Let's laywering?
  6. Nagano tour / Wider tour I think is the best idea. Check out the places you didn't try before in Nagano, then go on up to Myoko over to Yuzawa, do some Gunma sounds good to me.
  7. Sade. I remember calling her slaphead and laughing back then, but I think she's really cool now. I'm feeling relaxed......
  8. I've been given the choco breasts before. The person who brought them for me said she thought I'd really like them. Curious comment I thought, I never really worked that woman out...
  9. Medium rare is the way to go. I'm with the other people here. If I want medium-rare here, I usually ask for medium. What you want + a bit.
  10. Blair makes tax pledge bless him http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/vote_2005/frontpage/4438489.stm I believe him.
  11. I don't care about a place being gaijin friendly. Just friendly will do. But then again the courses and the snow is more important than all that right.
  12. Way too much, I don't want to sit down and work it out it might put me off for next year.
  13. I'm going down there next week and hope to check it out one day. Thanks for showing the pics gamera.
  14. You need to find some quality ones scouser to really know if you like or not.
  15. Something along these lines is highly agreeable
  16. Quote: When did we need one to ride at a resort either? You don't. That's the point.
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