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excuse me

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by excuse me

  1. Sorry to hear that. Let us know how it goes. The way some people ride bikes here really annoys me. They are just asking to have an accident.
  2. Why on earth did it take so long for them to call for help? I'm sure it said on the tv report that someone in one of the cars called for help before the resort did!
  3. Late February was pretty desperate this last season in quite a few places... got a bit better in early March.
  4. Classic photo. Love the expression as well
  5. Why is the manager so important? Perhaps in the long run but after 1 week?/
  6. Amazing. I didn't know Monday was a holiday either!
  7. Quote: After careful consideration, I bought it for 0p. I'd definitely buy more albums if they were that price.
  8. Lots of comment here http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/sport/2007/09/20/special_one_undone_by_aversion.html Don't you think he will be missed.
  9. It's not "daigaku imo" is it? That is sweet potato I think and I think it's more than boiled.....
  10. Was that Rtype on the Spectrum? Which version, not the 48k right?
  11. Sounds charming! Looks like such a lovely place. I really do want to go.
  12. When I come back to Japan after been out for a few weeks I always go for some ramen and gyoza. Good stuff.
  13. I have a really good relationship with my folks, I suppose especially with my mum. Look forward to spending a few weeks with them every year and we speak every week without fail.
  14. Tron! Yes I remember that one. The spiders, the car race kind of thing where you had to keep going without crashing into your trail! Classic.
  15. Are they still going strong? Haven't heard of them lately. Having said that I'm not watching as much tv as I used to...
  16. Perhaps my brain is still in stoopid Sunday morning mode, but what exactly is "Dollarcent"?
  17. Quote: And it was totally awesome to see and hear Pink Floyd together again. Sure was, the highlight. Did you sign up? http://www.live8live.com
  18. I thought it was Milton Keynes that got the most stick in the UK? Are there any recognised crap towns in Japan?
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