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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by HeatherLocklearRocks

  1. What happens if I want to connect 8 devices at 4G speeds while I am on holiday in Japan? It's a real problem.
  2. Damn I want to buy too. But then I remember I need to buy the blasted lift tickets too.
  3. I think some of the ladies should take part too.
  4. Right or wrong, people are going to judge me as a representative of my country, nay all gaijin countries. So I generally try to be polite and create a positive impression. Part of living in a foreign country I suppose, more so in one like Japan.
  5. What happended to the "24" movie? Been going through those series again. They were really great entertainment. Who'd have thought with so much talking on the telephone.
  6. Vinyl records. Can't think of one place I have seen those on sale here. He should be applauded!
  7. He looks a bit constipated. Just helping for next time, pie-eater.
  8. Ah, but would you describe it as incredibly incredible, BM?
  9. Will amazon get the orders out quick though. I recall one was it the Wii where they took weeks/months to fulfil orders.
  10. Tempted to buy new gear this season. I'm going to have to cut back a bit and see how the next month or two goes I think.
  11. Why don't you just sit down and plan somewhere really great, and then move into it.
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