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Everything posted by HeatherLocklearRocks

  1. Crikey, that must be scary. I wonder if a vid of the waves will appear sometime.
  2. Both good, two of my favorites. Arai is a modern resort. Nozawa is a small traditional Japanese onsen village.
  3. That post really confuses me... Is this a question or something?
  4. I can never really see what the big deal is. It's just so simple. DON'T EAT LIKE A PIG AND YOU WON'T BECOME ONE. All these gross masses of blubber complanining that they can't lose weight and stuffing their gobs full of mega-multi-calories. What the huck do they expect?
  5. I approve (not of the kebab idea, I think you need back to the drawing board on that). I'm sure Heather would look lovely in a Eco-globe.
  6. Does not admit everyone? I must have missed those control posts when I entered.
  7. Its getting tiring even laughing at the man. He's having the last laugh anyway.
  8. Not sure yet, but surely somewhere either in Nagano or Niigata. A lot is going to depend on work.
  9. Weak showers are a pain, but ones that are too strong are almost as bad. I think it was in Tokyo, some hotel and the shower was so strong I couldn't stay under it and wash me bits properly because it hurt. I ended up filling the bath up and taking a bath.
  10. I'm looking for a portable dvd player, like this one http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0002Z7N4Y/qid%3D1099744160/250-6091872-5334663 ..but REGION FREE (ie can play all discs). I can find normal region free dvd players, but haven't been able to find any portable ones out there. Anyone help? cheers
  11. I used to hate it, but getting used to it more and more. Like others, too strong and I can't eat it.
  12. Yeah, she's nice. Heather's better though
  13. Ebisu Black on there, not the normal one. Pfft.
  14. Spendid and stout don't go together, especially in the case of beers. Are there any good "stouts" are are they all tar?? yuck
  15. I stayed in one on Saturday night, well Sunday morning (for about 6 hours). I was drunk and didnt have a problem with getting to sleep - I'm sure the huge quantities of beer had something to do with that. A bit smelly in the morning though.
  16. Get some help quietly. sakebomb - "tattooed eyebrows" - nice! What did he have up there?
  17. How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale by Jenna Jameson Such a heart-warming story, if you can get round the quality of the writing. Good for a laugh. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/det...nce&s=books&n=2
  18. I stayed in one once, just for the experience. Bit of an anticlimax. Rabuho is much better for a better climax.
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